Originally posted by john.w.lawson
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You wouldn't like it if I put it up your arse, matey

Then again........

BTW, what snake were you bitten by? One of my favourite sites is this one:
Some of the acounts of people getting bitten are pretty good reading.
And what makes you think that we don't have guns? OK, so there may be the odd "souvenir" in certain houses that would make the Law shit themselves, but there you go. (cough Bren gun cough)
My friend bought a real elephant gun a few months ago. The Old Bill came round to discuss his permit for it. It's not illegal, he can have one if he wants, but understandably, they aren't keen on every Tom Dick & Harry having them.
"Now, Mr XXX, about this here elephant gun, do you really need it, I mean, it's a heavy duty piece of hardware?"
"Oh yes, I want it"
"Hmmmm, it's just.....we are a bit reluctant........why would you need such a weapon in Sheffield?"
"I might go to Africa to shoot an elephant!"
"Oh, OK, why didn't you say that before! No problem then, here you go"
Stamped approval. Easy!
Now, on to the important part. So SG apparently has a "hotwife", correct? And he has made a video, am I right? Am I putting 2 + 2 together and getting excited over nothing, or are the results on Redtube? (Fear not SG, it won't be your pink arse bobbing up and down that does it for me)