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Real hunting video may be offensive to wussies.

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  • Save the environment: kill feral pigs:
    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


    • Back on topic, I think I have a solution to the feral hog problem. Since hunting these nuisance animals is so revolting to many of our European friends, may I suggest that they take a leave of absence from their jobs and come spend a few months trapping these godforsaken creatures of destruction, then take them back to where they originated. EUROPE!

      Seriously, feral hogs can destroy a farmer or rancher's land faster than Cyg can sell an amp! Not only that, but I've personally seen the damage they can do to levees surrounding reservoirs and rivers. The last time I fished Sam Rayborn, I saw areas that had been rooted up by hogs. From the edge of the water to about 20 yards on shore, it looked as if the ground had been broken up by a commercial tilling machine. That not only reduces the vegetation along the water, it allows sediment to enter the lake unfiltered.

      I have friends that hunt these bastards in North Texas and it's amazing how huge they get. I've seen pictures where hogs have backed up to telephone poles to scratch their ass and the mud would be smeared four feet high on the pole. Most of the huge boars that are killed are not edible. So many times, the dead hogs are dragged by tractor or 4 wheeler to a ravine and dumped. Yes, it's a waste and it may seem cruel, but not as cruel as losing your livelihood to a destructive critter.


      • I live in a country where we eat the animals on our national Coat of Arms, so I have no issue with pests being killed. As a young'un in the country, my last high school job was working on a full service driveway where I was frequently visited in the early morning by returning pig & roo shooters looking to refuel on their way home after a full night's shooting. I'm pumping diesel into their Landcruisers & Hiluxes while stinking carcasses hanging from the cages on the back of these trucks drip all over the driveway. Great stuff when you're feeling a little seedy after a Saturday night on the tiles.

        Wild boars are a serious issue over here too (check the classic Aussie horror flick, "Razorback" for a big deadly bastard of a pig!). Pest & population control is an obvious concern for farmers & a reality of life for any working & living in the country. Having said all that, I don't get off on watching videos of it on the interwebs.
        Last edited by VitaminG; 05-17-2009, 10:35 PM.
        Hail yesterday


        • I bet this little man is going to be fucking sick of sausages and bacon after a couple of months. Apparently it was called Hogzilla (the pig, not the kid)
          So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

          I nearly broke her back


          • Originally posted by zeegler View Post
            He's a bit of a twat, but he does have some fucking balls handling these snakes. Either that or he's just stupid as fuck.

            I'd opt for the latter. And I don't think he quite understood when someone sent him an email asking to see his trouser snake. I think he's about to get a severely bitten scrotum, and we all know how painful that is.
            So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

            I nearly broke her back


            • I never heard anything else about Hogzilla after the pictures were circulated on the Internet. I think there was some controversy on whether it was actually farm raised and had recently escaped. Looks wild to me! Regardless, it was a huge hog!


              • "I like snakes, I like to hunt hogs, and I even like baseball caps because they make me look METAL!"


                • Originally posted by SEEGERMANY View Post
                  Back on topic, I think I have a solution to the feral hog problem. Since hunting these nuisance animals is so revolting to many of our European friends, may I suggest that they take a leave of absence from their jobs and come spend a few months trapping these godforsaken creatures of destruction, then take them back to where they originated. EUROPE!

                  Seriously, feral hogs can destroy a farmer or rancher's land faster than Cyg can sell an amp! Not only that, but I've personally seen the damage they can do to levees surrounding reservoirs and rivers. The last time I fished Sam Rayborn, I saw areas that had been rooted up by hogs. From the edge of the water to about 20 yards on shore, it looked as if the ground had been broken up by a commercial tilling machine. That not only reduces the vegetation along the water, it allows sediment to enter the lake unfiltered.

                  I have friends that hunt these bastards in North Texas and it's amazing how huge they get. I've seen pictures where hogs have backed up to telephone poles to scratch their ass and the mud would be smeared four feet high on the pole. Most of the huge boars that are killed are not edible. So many times, the dead hogs are dragged by tractor or 4 wheeler to a ravine and dumped. Yes, it's a waste and it may seem cruel, but not as cruel as losing your livelihood to a destructive critter.
                  Hey look, Mr. Preacher is giving stupid kids a lesson
                  Care to show where anyone was against just hunting? Or are you reading out only what you want to read?
                  I personally noticed that many people don't find things like killing for enjoyment, considering such activity a sport, making videos of that activity and watching it etc. very appealing.
                  You can call me a wuss for not understanding it. Is it some kind of a "cultural" phenomenon is some areas? Maybe I'm prejudicial for being suspicious of such "cultures" and believing that such areas have other "cultural" activities such as trigger-happy-bible-thumping-lunatics performing an incest.
                  I don't understand, should I get off from watching a video like that? Should I masturbate while watching it or am I suppose to automatically ejaculate when the animal gets killed?
                  Pardon my ignorance, my wussy cultural backround probably made me so intolerant.
                  I have plenty hogs on my land, if they become a problem, I'll get rid of them but I don't see why should I make a video of it, probably because I'm such a touchy-feelin' pussy.
                  By the way, you have a deal, we'll come and get rid of your hogs but only in condition that first you get rid of all your missionaries who try to brainwash the kids over here to abandon studying and working and devote their lives to become dumbfucks
                  "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                  "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                  • Ok, to pacify Endrik, the video of topic was in poor taste. Frankly, I don't recall ever saying it was in good taste. By the way, you preach almost as well as I do.


                    • Originally posted by Endrik View Post
                      Hey look, Mr. Preacher is giving stupid kids a lesson
                      Care to show where anyone was against just hunting? Or are you reading out only what you want to read?
                      I personally noticed that many people don't find things like killing for enjoyment, considering such activity a sport, making videos of that activity and watching it etc. very appealing.
                      You can call me a wuss for not understanding it. Is it some kind of a "cultural" phenomenon is some areas? Maybe I'm prejudicial for being suspicious of such "cultures" and believing that such areas have other "cultural" activities such as trigger-happy-bible-thumping-lunatics performing an incest.
                      I don't understand, should I get off from watching a video like that? Should I masturbate while watching it or am I suppose to automatically ejaculate when the animal gets killed?
                      Pardon my ignorance, my wussy cultural backround probably made me so intolerant.
                      I have plenty hogs on my land, if they become a problem, I'll get rid of them but I don't see why should I make a video of it, probably because I'm such a touchy-feelin' pussy.
                      By the way, you have a deal, we'll come and get rid of your hogs but only in condition that first you get rid of all your missionaries who try to brainwash the kids over here to abandon studying and working and devote their lives to become dumbfucks
                      SG did not make a video, just stated facts! Man you guys really resent us for being able to own guns, don't you
                      I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.


                      • You know why we can though, right? [1700"s]
                        I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.


                        • Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
                          I bet this little man is going to be fucking sick of sausages and bacon after a couple of months. Apparently it was called Hogzilla (the pig, not the kid)

                          This was a mix between a wild hog and a farm hog, they found that the guys claims were false it was not as big as described, Much like rsmacker
                          I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.


                          • Originally posted by SEEGERMANY View Post
                            Ok, to pacify Endrik, the video of topic was in poor taste. Frankly, I don't recall ever saying it was in good taste. By the way, you preach almost as well as I do.
                            if I expressed myself in a way so it would seem like you approved the video then I'm sorry about that
                            I don't consider myself preachy, I've stated many times that I'm a highly opinionated asshole

                            Originally posted by john.w.lawson View Post
                            Man you guys really resent us for being able to own guns, don't you
                            I'm not sure to who this message is but I can own a gun if I want to. In fact there's a pretty good two iron and a couple of really old rifles in my country house.
                            But if you mean handguns and stuff like that... also no problem. The difference is that you have to go through a psychological/medical examination before you can get a gun permit. So that every retarded fuckface wouldn't legally be allowed to fire at will, not that's gonna stop them.
                            But people choose not to own guns over here (other than hunters and those who are involved in military), we don't need them, besides they are considered pretty uncool.
                            But across the sea in Finland, there's a lot of guns as the hunting activity is very high over there.
                            The laws are different in every country, areas where a considerable amount of food/goods come from hunting have usually looser gun laws. Countries where there's not much forest (south an central areas) and have little hunting activity have stricter laws and usually only "hunting" rifles are allowed.

                            So to answer your question, no I don't resent you because you can own guns.
                            "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                            "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                            • Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
                              I bet this little man is going to be fucking sick of sausages and bacon after a couple of months. Apparently it was called Hogzilla (the pig, not the kid)
                              First time I've seen this pic, and I'm sure that I'm not the first to notice, but that hog is a lot closer to the camera than the kid is....


                              • Man here we go with the freaking name "throwing" "retard" "FUCKFACE", come on ,If you can buy a gun then you are not resentful! But, you are passive-aggresive. So fuck the hand gun permit for you! Once they started asking if you wanna fuck your .... then you'd blow! Oh RSmacker would love it though. I do not recall anyone on this thread saying "oh this is a great video"!!!!
                                I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.

