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Adrian Smith in Iron Maiden videos

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  • #16
    Originally posted by neilli View Post
    And for all of the above, I'm kind of dreading Flight 666.....
    I dunno, I think Sam Dunn has done a pretty good job even when using other people's footage in his docs. It should be a enjoyable watch. I'll post a review when it's out and I buy it and get a chance to watch it.
    GTWGITS! - RacerX


    • #17
      Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View Post
      That's out of order.
      I saw her live and I thought her band were tight, and she was as hot as fuck. I don't see how anyone could "hate" her or hold it against Steve Harris.

      What's that all about? How can a straight man hate her?

      As for Steve's editing, I think he did the Donington 92 one, and it was the worst video ever, for the reasons you mention. No shot held for longer than two seconds, it gave you a headache after five minutes.

      She's a hunchback? :ROTF:

      Anyhoo, on the editing issue, any recording artist will tell you they try to capture the "feel" of being at the show in both the audio recordings and the live footage. Maiden have never liked the "posed" videos. They wanted their videos to be done on stage, hence Number of the Beast.

      However, there was no crowd there, and they wanted the crowd in the shots because why be on stage if there's no crowd?

      So, to get the "feel" of being at the show, you need to do something high-energy, like quick, nauseating edits and scene cuts.

      However, that's for the simple-minded who actually believe that you watch a live concert video for the "feel" of the show. I watch it as a musician learning licks, or as a fan watching the band play, not so I can see the audience.

      I've never liked live albums. The mix is horrible and the crowd simply will not shut up and listen to the music. Nothing wrong with fist-pumps and throwing the horns, but stop all that screaming and whistling and shouting.
      When Audience Participation rolls around, and it's your turn to sing along, SING, don't whistle or shout "whooooo!" or "YEAHHHH!" - sing the fucking words or go home.

      Now, watching someone else have all the fun at a show (whether on stage or in front of it) is rather dull, and despite the large number of musicians in the crowd, they simply do not see themselves as making "music for musicians". Meaning they really don't give a fuck if you can't see the solos being played.

      That in itself is kinda sad, really, since the large majority of people who bought their albums and from whom they earned their success were inspired by the band to be musicians, if they weren't already.
      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

      My Blog:


      • #18
        I had no idea how strict the protocols on watching a concert had become! Maybe if they beefed up concert security & made every show a sit-down affair it would be easier to police

        Fuck it, I say, if the music moves you and you feel like dancing, or banging your head, or singing along out of key, or shouting "woo" or "yea" or just whistling or screaming, have at it!

        I have bought quite a few concert DVDs (around 40-odd, from memory).
        A lot of the bands you guys get to see week in, week out in Europe or America don't tour Australia, so a DVD is my only chance of catching a concert by a band like Tarot or Jorn Lande. I like seeing the audience. Not all the time, but a quick flash to the audience every now and then just adds to the experience. I want to see bands I like playing their music on stage, and having a 5.1 mix with crowd noise behind me helps add to the immersive experience. Sometimes you don't get to see all the solos being played, but you often don't at a concert anyway. If I wanted to just limply stand there with the rest of the crowd and watch the guitarist nail his solos, I can go to a Steve Vai concert (which I've done 3 times now). But I'd rather go to a show where the music actually moves the crowd into action. A good concert video will strike a balance between showing great shots of the performers as well as capturing that crowd response.
        Last edited by VitaminG; 05-24-2009, 10:38 PM.
        Hail yesterday


        • #19
          Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
          I had no idea how strict the protocols on watching a concert had become! Maybe if they beefed up concert security & made every show a sit-down affair it would be easier to police

          Fuck it, I say, if the music moves you and you feel like dancing, or banging your head, or singing along out of key, or shouting "woo" or "yea" or just whistling or screaming, have at it!

          I have bought quite a few concert DVDs (around 40-odd, from memory).
          A lot of the bands you guys get to see week in, week out in Europe or America don't tour Australia, so a DVD is my only chance of catching a concert by a band like Tarot or Jorn Lande. I like seeing the audience. Not all the time, but a quick flash to the audience every now and then just adds to the experience. I want to see bands I like playing their music on stage, and having a 5.1 mix with crowd noise behind me helps add to the immersive experience. Sometimes you don't get to see all the solos being played, but you often don't at a concert anyway. If I wanted to just limply stand there with the rest of the crowd and watch the guitarist nail his solos, I can go to a Steve Vai concert (which I've done 3 times now). But I'd rather go to a show where the music actually moves the crowd into action. A good concert video will strike a balance between showing great shots of the performers as well as capturing that crowd response.

          But watching a DVD is totally different from actually being at a concert. Does anyone jump around their room headbanging and shouting the words, giving the horns and stuff while watching a DVD?
          My original point was just that they show Janick and Dave playing solos a lot more than they show Adrian.



          • #20
            Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View Post
            But watching a DVD is totally different from actually being at a concert. Does anyone jump around their room headbanging and shouting the words, giving the horns and stuff while watching a DVD?
            of course it is different to actually being there. I don't know if folks jump around & pump their fists when they're watching a concert dvd. I know I don't - that sort of behaviour is reserved for watching the football.

            But my response was to Newc's assertion that crowd's should be better behaved at concerts. I mean, what would their grandmothers think of all that whooping & hollering? They should restrain their enthusiasm until the designated crowd participation section
            Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View Post
            My original point was just that they show Janick and Dave playing solos a lot more than they show Adrian.
            yea, they do. But I wonder if that is H's choice, not Steve's? Even on the Live at the Rainbow video, you don't see much of Adrian & I don't know if Steve was editing back then.
            Hail yesterday


            • #21
              I've seen Maiden 4 times now, Brave New World (twice), Dance Of Death, Matter Of Life And Death tours. Adrian has always been my favourite guitarist in the band. I've noticed that when playing live some of his solos are a bit quiet which kinda sucks cos he's awesome.

              There's a video of him on youtube, playing a Tele and going through warmups etc

              I have to say i was quite disappointed last time i went to see Maiden, was the Matter Of Life And Death tour and the played the entire album, a few oldies and missed out Number of the Beast, Run to the Hills and a couple of other classics! I was with two mates who had never seen them before and they were gutted they didn't play they're classic tracks.
              Have a feeling it was a ploy to get people to go see them at Download.

              Steve's daughter is hot! She was the support for the support last time i saw them, t butbh i wasn't paying much attention to the music! Trivium were the main support that night, and they blowed but not as much as Funeral For A Friend did as support for the UK Dance of Death tour. Come to think of it, every time i've seen Maiden the supports haven't been that great. But they're still awesome and their shows have been some of the best i've seen.
              Stringed things:
              Charvel Model 4
              Charvel NOS Star
              Gibson SG Special


              • #22
                Sounds like you saw them at the SECC same as I did. It was common knowledge they were going to play the entire AMOLAD album on that tour, so I don't understand why anyone was disappointed in what they saw. Diehard fans don't want to hear "Run To The Hills" for the zillionth time!

                That's a strat BTW, not a Tele.

                Oh sorry, there's a tele at the end!
                Last edited by MartinBarre; 05-25-2009, 12:35 PM.



                • #23
                  Steve's a fucking douche and should go edit for pricks like fallout boy!

                  Jackson DXMG
                  Jackson JS30RR
                  Boss ML2 Metalcore Pedal
                  Dunlop GCB-95 Crybaby
                  Blackstar HT5H
                  Marshall MC212

                  Gear I want

                  Jackson RR1T Black
                  Marshall JCM 800 2203
                  Marshall 1960A Cab


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Mazz View Post
                    Steve's a fucking douche and should go edit for pricks like fallout boy!
                    really? Have some personal grievance with him?
                    Hail yesterday


                    • #25
                      Sheesh, if it's not his daughter, it's Steve getting it!



                      • #26
                        What's with all the hatred in this thread? Sheesh.

                        Anyway... fear not, there's plenty of Adrian in Flight 666. I should know, I was drooling over the near constant Jackson Adrain Smith model content - it was like a commercial for the thing - awesome.

                        Flight 666 is really the Nicko Show - he really takes the limelight in it - even non-maiden fans like my wife thought he was great.

                        And both times I saw Maiden last year, I missed Steve's daughter's performance. But, I think we're being a little harsh on 'Arry bringing his daughter out - that's what this business is all about - if you can help out your friends and family, do it!
                        Blank yo!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
                          yea, they do. But I wonder if that is H's choice, not Steve's? Even on the Live at the Rainbow video, you don't see much of Adrian & I don't know if Steve was editing back then.
                          that's because the producers thought H was too boring, cos he didnt move at all back then
                          You can't play no muthfuggin' arpeggios on a tuba...


                          • #28
                            I have no problem with Steve, but Janick makes Maiden unwatchable for me. He's a fuckin poser. He stands out in front of the stage like he's the fucking star doing pirouettes and ballerina moves. Who the fuck needs him? He's only there because Bruce didn't have the balls to kick him to the curb when he rejoined Maiden. I saw Maiden on the original Powerslave tour and they kicked serious ass without that dancing queen trying to steal the show.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by broken_fusion View Post
                              I have no problem with Steve, but Janick makes Maiden unwatchable for me. He's a fuckin poser. He stands out in front of the stage like he's the fucking star doing pirouettes and ballerina moves. Who the fuck needs him? He's only there because Bruce didn't have the balls to kick him to the curb when he rejoined Maiden. I saw Maiden on the original Powerslave tour and they kicked serious ass without that dancing queen trying to steal the show.

                              While I don't like Janick's guitar playing, I do have to say he's quite entertaining on stage. Like someone says, H doesn't move much and never has, and neither does Dave, so Jan acting like a lunatic is quite amusing. Just a shame he can't play anywhere near as good as H or Dave.

                              And it was BRUCE that got Jan the gig, so don't blame Bruce for not having him booted out, blame Bruce for having him in the band in the first fuckin' place!



                              • #30
                                for the new avy
                                I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.

