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Eye surgery - anyone?

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  • #16
    My mom had it done. She's had perfect vision since she got it done 5 years ago. I really want it done. I am getting contacts in August.
    "Dear Dr. Bill,
    I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

    "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub


    • #17
      I had it done in April 2002, best 2k I ever spent.

      I had glasses/contacts since i was 10, I'm 37 now. I hated sleeping with contacts in so I took them out every night, the worst thing was waking up and not being able to see.

      I had trouble seeing the big E on the eye chart without contacts before the surgery, now I can actually read the small writing on the chart!

      No pain and only took 15 minutes, I could watch tv and see fine 4 hours after the surgery.


      • #18
        I had the lasik surgery done about 8 years ago and its one of the best things I ever did and worth every cent. I can see better now than I ever did with glasses or contacts. I'm trying to talk the wife into getting it done, too.
        I'm not afraid to bleed, but I won't do it for you.


        • #19
          Ah....the search function is great...
          Am researching getting the Z LASIK done. Good to hear about people's experiences so far. There are some places close by doing this now. What type of cost are you seeing?
          Anyone get this newer scalpel free version done?


          • #20
            Originally posted by bombtek View Post
            And yes I did it twice. Apparently my eyes weren't quite done "growing?" at age 37. I started at 20/40 vision, corrected it to 20/20. A year later, it was at 20/30 WTF?!?!?
            See, this is one of the things that has held me back. They've been doing this (widespread, at least) for only about 10-15 years now. My vision is mostly stable, but has gotten slightly worse through my 30s+. And what happens decades after the surgery, when you get to be 60, 70, 80 years old? No one knows. Those folks might have serious vision or worse eye issues later in life.

            If I knew it was permanent, and had no long-term (with aging) implications, I'd probably do it. But I guess I'm a skeptic.


            • #21
              I plan on getting it done. Maybe not within the next year, but pretty soon after that. I know 5 or 6 folks that had it done, and they are happy with it.

              I started wearing glasses when I was around 7 too. Have been wearing contacts for years...20+ I guess.


              • #22
                Originally posted by RacerX View Post
                You guys are talking about LASIK, right? For a long time I was a-skeered of the scalpel actually cutting the cornea (before the eye gets lasered), so I was waiting for an "all laser" procedure. Some people have told me that this now exists...
                Yes, they are using this now, which cuts down on the incidence of the "halo" effect around lights which is temporary with the scapel. I don't know how widespread the all laser procedure is though. I too have been wearing glasses since 4th grade and can't see a damn thing without em. I hardly wear contacts anymore cos I find that they bother my eyes after a few hours.

                I'd like to get it done too, but I'm afraid of the horror stories of having incredibly dry eyes afterward requiring drops all the time. That'd be awful.
                "Your work is ingenius…it’s quality work….and there are simply too many notes…that’s all, just cut a few, and it’ll be perfect."


                • #23
                  I got LASIK done 2 years ago when I was 24.. best thing I've ever done to be honest. It's life changing if you have trouble with glasses and/or contacts.

                  It's a very short and comfortable procedure - takes less than 5 minutes (about 1 minute per eye and some downtown in between). The only scary part was a slight burning smell you get once they actually use the laser! However, my doc talked me through the whole thing and I always felt at ease.

                  After the procedure I sat in a chair at the hospital for about 10-15 minutes so they could quickly examine the after effects and make sure everything was okay. Then I went home, slept for 2-3 hours, and woke up - everything was crystal clear My sister became envious and got LASIK 2 weeks later.

                  It's been 2 years and my eyes aren't dry at all, quite the opposite in fact. I wake up every morning with clear vision, I go swimming without any worries and it just feels good to be healthier and not dependent on glasses/contacts.
                  Last edited by Lev; 12-06-2009, 04:26 PM.


                  • #24
                    Follow up time!

                    Originally posted by Strangletooth View Post
                    My buddy just had it done 2 months ago and he said it's worth every penny and would recommend it to anyone. The first week afterwards is a PITA, but he sees perfectly now.

                    I've been thinking about it and prolly will get it done this year myself.
                    Well, Pat?

                    Originally posted by Ben... View Post
                    My mom had it done. She's had perfect vision since she got it done 5 years ago. I really want it done. I am getting contacts in August.
                    Well, Ben? Did you get your contacts?
                    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)

