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The Dog Days of Summer MLB thread

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  • I wish Posada was catching tonight, he's been hitting the ball well.
    He can't run the bases whatsoever, neither can Swisher, Cano, etc.
    Everyone is on Angel Dust.

    Tonight may be a good night to start Gardner, with Molina being an automatic out at the plate, gardner can at least try to steal from the 8 spot while Molina is up.
    Not helping the situation since 1965!


    • Wild game tonight.. I thought Lackey had it in the bag. .I wouldn't have pulled him. Bad move...Bad calls minimal tonight. Lackeys ball 4 was good but I think even the ump was looking for a curve.


      • couple more resting days for the Philly pitching staff....


        • Originally posted by atdguitars View Post
          Wild game tonight.. I thought Lackey had it in the bag. .I wouldn't have pulled him. Bad move...Bad calls minimal tonight. Lackeys ball 4 was good but I think even the ump was looking for a curve.
          And Girardi sending Burnett out for the bottom of the 6th was a dumb move as well. But the NY bullpen didn't have it last night. Should've used Rivera for the last 12 outs.

          Yanks showed a lot of heart last night, and so did the Angels. I think everyone thought this one was going to go 6 or 7 games.

          As far as the Phillies go I think recent history shows that the team that has a long layoff doesn't fair too well in the WS.


          • I love the way the Yankees came back. I don't know any Yankee fan who wouldn't sign up for a 3-2 lead coming home after the way they've played out in Anaslime in the past. AJ was only at 88 pitches and after the 1st inning, pitched a very good game up until the 7th. He just didn't get it done. Hughes missed his spot to Guererro, that hurt, as did Morales too.
            I'm not worried, I think the Yankees are the better team in the end, and the Yanks seem to have solved the angels pen as well. Looking for andy to throw a very good game tomorrow.
            Not helping the situation since 1965!


            • Originally posted by jk2171 View Post

              As far as the Phillies go I think recent history shows that the team that has a long layoff doesn't fair too well in the WS.
              Really? Last year the Phillies had a week off before the first game of the WS and the Rays ad 3 days, how did that Series end up?

              If you really want to put out nonsense stats how about this one-

              The team with the best record in baseball that year hasn't one the world series since 1998.

              I think these "trends" mean nothing, any team can win.


              • thats why they play the games jcs


                • Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
                  thats why they play the games jcs
                  That and advertising


                  • these days, i'd have to say that T.V. revenue is the only reason they play the games-lol

                    My favorite "McCarverism" so far this playoff season-
                    "CC's power changeup has been very hard to hit"

                    What is a a power changeup? Is that a new term for a fastball????
                    Not helping the situation since 1965!


                    • Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
                      these days, i'd have to say that T.V. revenue is the only reason they play the games-lol

                      My favorite "McCarverism" so far this playoff season-
                      "CC's power changeup has been very hard to hit"

                      What is a a power changeup? Is that a new term for a fastball????
                      I don't know about the power change up (it looks like hes got more ring finger on the ball to drag it more) but the introduction of the wild card teams was aimed at raising revenue for MLB and for the TV stations. I wouldn't mind if it went by the wayside and resume baseball again.. best team wins and thats that.


                      • i'm cool with that too. they'd have to size down to two divisions in each league
                        with a whole bunch of teams in them-lol
                        Not helping the situation since 1965!


                        • think maybe he's referring the MPH differential between the heat and change up?


                          • Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
                            i'm cool with that too. they'd have to size down to two divisions in each league
                            with a whole bunch of teams in them-lol
                            #2 plays #3 in their prospective league..winner plays #1..winner of that plays the winner of the other league.
                            OR best record of the AL plays best record of the NL.. If there is a tie in the AL or NL divisions its a 3 game play off OR go to NHL Rules and every body but the 2 last place teams make the play offs. we could make the regular season extend till about 2 weeks before spring training !!!!! Look at the advertising revenue!!!!


                            • So..we would have the California league vs the rest of MLB? They have enough teams there to start their own division.


                              • there will be a sign "Pitchers and catchers report" posted up all over the place, but no date attatched. they will be on call all year.
                                Not helping the situation since 1965!

