Ok, the BaseBall fans have their thread, the Hockey fans have one, I'm sure there's an NFL thread around here somewhere - we'll get to those later 
I hate baseball. It was ok when I was a kid - before the strategists got into it and the guys in the field actually had something to do besides watch.
Today it's all about the pitcher throwing a no-hitter and the batter hitting it out of the park. Where's the fun in that?
Drive one down the baseline so close to it that only the Ump knows it's in, and he's wondering why the baseman isn't chasing it.
Throw a straight ball and take a chance that your fielders know what they're doing. Give the fans something to watch instead of 2 guys playing fuckin catch all day.
Better yet, get off the field and let someone else do something worth watching, worth buying a ticket to, and worth getting paid to do. I don't care if it's figure skating on grass skates, anything's gotta be better than baselol.
Oh, and that "America's Pasttime" crap can kiss my ass. Look at this country. America's Pasttime is killing, screwing, and consuming. We've done more of that since 1776 than baseball.
If you love baseball, fine. Go back to your own thread. This is the thread for other people who hate it.

I hate baseball. It was ok when I was a kid - before the strategists got into it and the guys in the field actually had something to do besides watch.
Today it's all about the pitcher throwing a no-hitter and the batter hitting it out of the park. Where's the fun in that?
Drive one down the baseline so close to it that only the Ump knows it's in, and he's wondering why the baseman isn't chasing it.
Throw a straight ball and take a chance that your fielders know what they're doing. Give the fans something to watch instead of 2 guys playing fuckin catch all day.
Better yet, get off the field and let someone else do something worth watching, worth buying a ticket to, and worth getting paid to do. I don't care if it's figure skating on grass skates, anything's gotta be better than baselol.
Oh, and that "America's Pasttime" crap can kiss my ass. Look at this country. America's Pasttime is killing, screwing, and consuming. We've done more of that since 1776 than baseball.
If you love baseball, fine. Go back to your own thread. This is the thread for other people who hate it.