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Riding without a shotgun seat

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  • I don't understand the cartoon porn thing. Do people actually find that arousing or stimulating? The characters all look so young and childlike - sick.

    I'm hyper sensitive to this crap lately, anyway. My son (7) and nephew (10) were victims of a pedophile a little over a week ago. The sick cunt was watching them have a picnic at a playground near my sisters home and attempted to force them into his vehicle. When they told him to "back off" and began yelling "stranger", he pulled out his dick and started beating it in front of them. He then proceeded to hit my son with his perverted old cock before he was driven away by them throwing rocks at him. The local police found him right away and told us that he has had sexual assualt convictions(all against little boys) dating back to the 60's - the old fuck is 79 years old. He had seven charges of "indicent acts" from 2002 - 2008 and apparently, that's no longer working for him. Thankfully our boys paid attention during our many, "what to do if a sick old cunt approaches you" lectures. We go to court on Aug 27 so he can get probabtion, again.

    Threadkill complete.
    Tarbaby Fraser.


    • Originally posted by Vass View Post
      Ugh. I tried to get between Bill & someone who was laying on the tracks once, and while I thought it would have been better to handle it differently, I can't dispute that his intuition about the guy was dead on.

      Having said that- You're on the firing line Blazer, and that's that. How you handle it is up to you. Horns actually gave some pretty decent advice earlier in this thread, even if it wasn't covered in love & honey.

      You're not 15 and getting locked in the closet any more. You're a man, and you have the ability to be whatever you want to be, every day. Doesn't matter what anyone else thinks- Their sympathy is meaningless without respect, and so is their scorn- so you be & do what you gotta do for you and yours.

      If you're unhappy with the way you're being treated, you can turn it around- Either walk away or, and this would be my advice for what it's worth, see if there's a kernel of truth to what others are saying, spend some time thinking about it, and see if there's something in there that can improve your life. If you come to the conclusion that it's all bullshit, forget about it. But have the self-introspection (AND I DO NOT MEAN BY THAT FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF) to recognize there might be something to what people say & do something about it.

      Listen- I feel for you, and probably others do too, because everyone's got the "nerd" thing going to a certain extent- Everyone's felt like an outsider, everyone's felt like the target at one point or another. How your life is going to go is going to be very much based on how you deal with that- You don't go around sulking, but you also don't go around punching people in the face (which you mentioned earlier).

      Find me someone that's never been picked on and that's someone who has never been let out of their momma's house. You have GOT to learn to recognize your own worth- You got some. This is your movie, don't be a bit player in it.

      In the end, there's a pack like mentality that occurs in groups- You have to fight that too. But if you bleed into the water and act wounded, you're a target for everyone else in the pack that didn't have the balls to cut you first- They pile on. That sounds like it happened to you when you were younger, and it'll happen forever if you go "woe is me".

      So to take this analogy way too far, don't be a beta, be the alpha- even if it's a pack of one. Nobody can mess with you if you do that. Even if they beat your ass, they can't beat you.
      Vass, you don't say a lot here but when you do, you say a mouthful!

      Blaze, listen to the man. He speaks the truth.

      And like Flatpicker said, consider your audience. No one is going to win anyone over by goosestepping into a Metallica thread to say something like, "they're shit. You guys should listen to Shawn Lane". You start a manga thread (for example) and get few responses, don't expect that your next manga thread is going to suddenly turn everyone here onto it. I think I've seen maybe two references to Australian Rules Football in my almost 10 years on the JCF & I'm happy to talk about the sport if the topic comes up. Love it. Best form of football on the planet, to my mind. But given the demography of this forum, I'm not going to start a topic about Aussie Rules every time something that excites me about the sport comes up because I'm one of the very few on this forum that gives a shit about it. It seems even the other Aussies on this forum aren't into sports, so waddyagunnado? So do I make my one post about so-and-so doing something amazingly spectacular on the weekend and then bitch the following day that nobody takes my Aussie Rules threads seriously? Or do I accept that this isn't the forum to discuss that topic, and instead engage in discussions about interests I have in common with other members here?

      Nothing wrong with testing the waters with a topic, but don't ignore the signs if you get absolutely no response from the membership here. Maybe you need to find a hentai forum to discuss that particular topic on.
      Hail yesterday


      • Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
        yep. A sure sign.
        Fuggums. Is there a cure?
        "I would have banned you for taking part in hijacking and derailing a thread when you could have started your own thread about your own topic." - Unknown


        • Fuck you G, your saying I dont like sports?! What a cunt, your NEVER on my side...

          Yeah blazer is a nerd that faced a mild trauma in the grand scheme and it set him in his ways. Theres plenty of help out there man. But as soon as something strays from your projected thought or precognition you immediately shut it down as BULLYING or taking sides and shit. You need some fuckin zen!
          As for the cartoons, its a great outlet for you...that doesn't mean you gotta show anybody them. Especially the fucked up porn shit. I don't even find it gross, just so fucking lame and pathetic! Atleast have the decency to self censor your uploads

          But all this is fucking petty shit compared to top jimmys saga. I'm so sorry and disgusted man, I can only hope you and your kids pull through this as best you can.


          • Originally posted by Flatpicker View Post
            That's right.
            Plus you can erase parts and redraw them smaller and tighter.

            I'm starting to dig this....
            Ease up there flatpicker.. you're gonna wear out your lead.


            • In the future if anyone sends me a unsolicited PM with creepy cartoon porn I will forward it to other people, especially Bill.



              • Originally posted by AK47 View Post
                In the future if anyone sends me a unsolicited PM with creepy cartoon porn I will forward it to other people, especially Bill.

                So could we not send it straight to Bill instead, then? :ROTF:
                Its all fun and games till you get yogurt in your eye.; -AK47
                Guitar is my first love, metal my second (wife...ehh she's in there somewhere). -Partial @ Marshall


                • Originally posted by toxikdeth View Post
                  Jesus i never played for 9 hrs in a row I pulled 6 once and that seemed long
                  I've played for 30 plus hours before. Oh the miracle of speedballs-lol

                  Jimmy B- I'm so pissed off right now about what haoppened to your kids, I want to pummel that freak!!!!!
                  I don't care if he's 79, give him a 3 iron right to the kneecaps repeatedly.
                  Last edited by atomic charvel guy; 07-08-2009, 01:38 PM.
                  Not helping the situation since 1965!


                  • Ok, this is the shit I am talking about.

                    You have underlining Gender identity issues, which is fine but you need to deal with them. If you dont you will just make things worse.

                    Link and its kind of safe for work.

                    Your art and writing is a representation of yourself, that is all I am going to say.


                    • Originally posted by AK47 View Post
                      Ok, this is the shit I am talking about.

                      You have underlining Gender identity issues, which is fine but you need to deal with them. If you dont you will just make things worse.

                      Link and its kind of safe for work.

                      Your art and writing is a representation of yourself, that is all I am going to say.
                      EDIT: link works.
                      Last edited by AK47; 07-08-2009, 02:06 PM.


                      • It all makes sense to me know.... Blaze is a virgin. That would explain alot
                        "Too bad Kurt didn't teach John how to aim a gun."
                        Jackson Shred

                        "maybe i should do what madona does and adopt a little chineese kid and get them to knock up a couple of guitars for me" cookiemonster


                        • Originally posted by AK47 View Post
                          In the future if anyone sends me a unsolicited PM with creepy cartoon porn I will forward it to other people, especially Bill.

                          Check your in box for cartoon moobs. :ROTF:
                          I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                          • Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
                            Jimmy B- I'm so pissed off right now about what haoppened to your kids, I want to pummel that freak!!!!!
                            I don't care if he's 79, give him a 3 iron right to the kneecaps repeatedly.
                            +1. That old POS needs to be wiped off the planet.
                            I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                            • Originally posted by AK47 View Post
                              Fuck he took it down ASAP. Hit back on my browser and could not get a screen capture.

                              It was a comic where the character was a young boy and became a girl over night.

                              Then the second chapter started as the character as a girl and it was titled "Taking it like a man."
                              The link still works for me.


                              • Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
                                The link still works for me.
                                WHoops my browser hiccuped.

