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Riding without a shotgun seat

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  • Originally posted by toejam View Post
    Is any of this even real? I think someone broke the internet!
    Eek!! Bugz!
    Hail yesterday


    • Lina V, is that you?!?
      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


      • The bottom line is blazer is a quitter. There are so many folks on this forum alone that have been through 50 times the angst of being bullied by jocks and locked in a locker in High school. FUCK in the late 80's earlier 90's being a metal head made you a outcast!!! If the worst you ever had to deal with is your own insecurities from being weak, be happy. Real life will someday come up and kick the holy fuck out you, be prepared sissy


        • I haven't paid much attention to the goings on around here... I guess I should read these threads a little more closely. I agree, this has to be one of the most bizarre things that has happened here in the 8 or so years I've been a member of the JCF.

          All I have to say is that Blazer needs to "go on with his life" and stop posting here. Its not helping his case to say the least. Blazer, if you can't fight the lions, get out of the cage. This thread will die eventually, and everyone will forget about you... well maybe not My question is that since you see you're not really fitting in here, why do you insist on coming back? You need some psychiatric help my friend... Its obvious you enjoy being the submissive "victim" and your cartoons are more than just a bit creepy.


          • Exactly Steve! That's what everyone's been trying to say. We're all on the same page in our own way.. From suddle, understanding and diplomatic to brutal, understanding, and harsh. Nothing can penetrate that cinder block head of his! Still he blames me for getting banned on several forums. How thru ESP? The only forum I'm on is this one. He posted that PPMB link for us to see, then posted this link for them to see. But I'm not on ANY forum but this one. Besides the JCF, nobody knows who I am. Typical delusional "Victim" mentality. Blaming everyone but themselves for their constant drama.

            Weird cartoons, and that shitty "Rasta" crap is just plain strange! I have no problem with being different, who isn't. But he's different for all the wrong reasons. Especially the borderline pedo stuff, The dude is nuts! I think we all agree that he needs psychiatric help, and that from someone who goes every week for aggression/depression issues.

            What is PPBM anywhoo. Pathetic Pussies that Bitch and Moan? they're a weird like-minded bunch. They're sharp as fuggin' bowling balls. They do alot of talking about a whole lot of nothing. Phony fuckers wearing the good guy badge that claim to "support" Wooter..but yet ignore most of his threads. Ironically, his biggest thread here and there is THIS one!! I think they enjoy watching him getting dumped on, and will prolly cross that bridge with him. He admits getting bounced off sevral forums..he'll eventually get bounced from there for the same exact reasons he had here and everywhere he goes.

            Blazer is much worse than fett, and at least people talked to Lina V..and had fun with Dross's silly ass. Blazer easily made the JCF Hall of fame for #1 dork-weirdo-loser!!! Sure, we had some A holes in the past, but nothing like this dweeb! We know he frequents this thread to see what we're saying. So I'm doing him a favor by feeding his masochistic needs! He is a masochist, and that's established. I'm a sadist, and that's established. So we're both enjoying this. Other find this amusing too..This thread is a JCF masterpiece, and already a classic!!!

            There's already a spin-off "Life without a bicycle seat", which I haven't had the pleasure reading yet. I skimmed it..hilarious!

            Rev B Fuggums

            We'll see if he hops back in the Lions Den for more punishment. I hope so!
            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


            • Bill,

              You da man!


              • Originally posted by Blazer View Post
                Dave, I'm sorry about your father but your trauma comparing to what I have been going through is unfair. Mostly because you use it as a "Holier than thou" message. You're going through a hard time because of the death of your father but don't take it out on me, what did I do to you in the first place? As a soldier I take it that you are well aware of what post traumatic stress is, talk to your fellow service men, veterans hear what they have to say and then try calling them "pussies" like you did me, emotional trauma is a horrible thing regardless on how a person got it, you SHOULD know that. Wether it being somebody who's abused at home, or somebody in a lone cell in North Korea who spoke up against the government, or somebody who survived the 911 plane crashes in NYC, talk to those people and then try to call them "Pussies"
                Well, first off, it's not Dave's father, and 'trauma related to his death' that are the main points of David's argument. It's Dave himself. Sorrow because death of a loved one is normal, especially if that person was selfless and giving, and David knows that. He neither wallows in self-pity, nor does he use it as a point of comparison for this so called 'trauma' or whatever you call this shit you keep referencing back to. David's mention of his father is entirely an expression of a person selflessly serving his people, putting his life, be it personal, emotional or physical, in danger to serve a better cause. His father, and I am not qualified to judge by any means, has seen the ugly eyes of reality, but not once has he stopped to cry about it, or to seek the empathy of others. That was the argument, it wasn't a plea for anyone else's pitty, and should not be viewed as such. You warping that, is a pathetic attempt at an argument, putting words into he mouths of others to suit your needs.

                The argument was that David has seen the ugly, but he hasn't been on an attention binge. You should read the "Whiners" thread, to get that into your skull. One of the main points mde by David is that people who whine about how much their life sucks, when they live pampered, stagnant lives, with absolutely nothing happening, when in comparison the guy down the street can be barely making ends meet, and not complain to anyone else, not bring this crowbar-entry self-pity and less-than-superficial pain into matters of others. That was argument, and if you would read these things objectively, you would've got this. There are people on this very board who have it difficult, yet their matters don't make dedicated threads, nor are they discussed at all.

                Another thing, this Post Traumatic Stress point is bullshit. We can look at this from the viewpoint of the (with all due respect) loss of David's father, and we can look at this with the loss of life of his fellow servicemen down in Afghanistan. Neither his father is used as a tool for sorrow or a mention of any stress, nor the servicemen who served alongside David, or his dad for that matter. David brought these up to make a different point. You're either warping this to suit yourself, or simply lack an objective view that is necessary to make any argument. Plus, David is in service still, I believe, so it's a bit early to point fingers and blame PTS or other bullshit. What you get right now, is all that matters.

                And lastly, you mentioned domestic abuse, NK and 9/11. What I have to say, is that this is a futile attempt to detract from the topic at hand. Saying that we should give the poor countries in Africa more money because a child dies every 3 seconds of hunger while we have corpses floating in the water in New Orleans, is a textbook example of 'but people elsewhere have it worse than you/us. Lets glorify them'. We are talking about this and we are talking about it now. Whether they can be called pussies is also debatable, but of course, there's always someone who has it worse, so lets sway the matters their way, in order to sweep whatever's wrong here and now right under the carpet! If I can't see it, it's not there!

                And that the thick of the shit in that one paragraph. It burns not having the time to correct all the shit you've said.
                Its all fun and games till you get yogurt in your eye.; -AK47
                Guitar is my first love, metal my second (wife...ehh she's in there somewhere). -Partial @ Marshall

