Originally posted by Ben...
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Any "Young Earthers" here. as in the earth is 6000 years old?
Originally posted by Ben... View PostI just looked up atheistic Satanism and you sound like a LaVeyan Satanist. The description sounds spot on. Eye for an eye, self-indulgence, be kind to friends and attack enemies and be an individual. Plus that one picture of Anton LaVey has the same shaved head/facial hair setup.
I'm a free thinker, asked alot of questions and found answers. Ironically, from the bible, and my everday dealings with people in every capacity. Man, hasn't changed and I dscovered human nature/behavior is a predictable science. Once I applied this mindset and reading scripture without the christian goggles ..it was like reading the bible for the very first time. All those convoluted stories , mysteries, riddles, contradicions, and confusion became no different than reading a post on this forum.
Because of our conciet, and natural narcisstic nature, we like to believe that we're complex. When in fact we're no different than any other species we co-exist with. Except for our intelligence which more often than not makes us the most dangerous, vicious, malicious, sadistic and masochistic beast of all. In fact, we're the only species that requires punishment as well as rewards. Which is why we invented Heaven and Hell, and a universal "boogeyman" . Funny that there is so much variations of religion and gods, but Satan remains most consistant. Satan is bad..M'kay.
The reason why I can not articulate, or explain my beliefs is because in Christianity for example, Satan means adversary. He's the universal bad guy, the scapegoat to every ill of man and the world he lives in. Every white light based faith inherited this enemy, that requires to denounce, and reject him. Well, it's only obvious that in my belief, God has this role, and for very concrete, logical reasons. The essence of Christianity is ingrained in our society so much that it goes literally ignored or unacknowledged ..except for a very small number of people like myself. Not the political agena fuckers that get their panties in a bunch because of prayer in school, the 10 commmandents on government property, gay marriage, abortion, swearing on the bible, "In god we trust", and ect. I agree that there should be a cut and dry seperation of church and state, but that will never happen anytime soon. Ironically, the ones that complain about this is based soley on ..because they can, ..it's their "right". Assuming most of of them are prolly Athiest, or special interest groups, but not a Satanist (who'd listen to them?). But see it thru my eyes for one second ..things we take for granted. "God bless you", God Bless America", One nation under God, "In God we Trust", ..replace that word with Satan. Nobody would like that..not the Athiest, Religious groups, Political groups, not even the ACLU. Sure there may be blatant religious ribbing, as seen in this thread. But not to any level I endure. I'm no victim..quite the opposite. I knew it came with the territory and I'm absolutely cool with it. Well, it has a alot to do with my nature hating whatever is popular with sheople..always was..still is..and shall be.
But I see somethimng that is not obvious to everyone. Christianity is gradually fading away. Once upon a time there were Churches on every other corner of every town with Crosses you could see for miles. They have been gradulally replaced by what's making God more and more insignicant.. Skyscpaers, old TV attenas, satelite dishes. God's ratings have been dropping since the invention of televsion and media. The media dictates everything, and unlike God, has the biggest influence and impact on our culture. God can never compete with that, and his ratings are at an all time low and they're not going to get better. It a good possibility that his show may be cancelled within the next 100 years.
Satan can't take the blame for this one. God gave man free agancy, and once again, as always people choose what is most important to them. From Eden's forbidden fruit to their favorite TV shows, sports events, and Iphone applications. Church was a social event that required to wear your Sunday best to meet others once a week. Now people and social events are a text or a mouse click away. We just had three more old local churches close and Vinny's old school and parish is broke. Screw the offeratory basket, people gotta pay that cable bill. That's not Satan's fault, people demand their toys no matter the cost! Hey if God goes out of buisness, then Satan joins him..in those religions anywhoo.
People will blame Satan, because he invented these distractions of loyalty to God. But in my belief, it is man (be it God's design, or man's advancements) , in God's likeness, does exactly whatever he wants. Satan tempted Eve (with knowledge)..now that fucker tempting the entire world with electronc gizmos, ships that explore other planets, and longevity thru stem cell research (with more knowledge)..that bastard! Can you see how both Lucifer (the bible version) and I have a problem with this?..
It is MY Lucifer (symbol of strenghth and power) that inspires me to have my priorities in order, putting my family's needs over my own, and be accountable for my own actions because I will not be enabled by a diety that offers the option of atonment for being an asshole. Instead, I won't cheat on my wife with the gorgeuos, big titty 19 year old who's been beggin' to fuck me. Well worth the price of atonement. But I'm a much stronger person than that.
Look at family values in the 50's like Ozzie and Harriet..on a steady downward slope to The Osbornes. Once Satan becomes mainstream..he won!
Hail the Iphone,
AmenLast edited by horns666; 07-20-2009, 11:40 AM."Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!
"Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.
It is your own personality/moral fibre/ego/self that inspires you Bill, theres no actual word for it yet. Creed? Nah thats tied in to emo shit, ewww! Humans are constantly getting smarter and more intellectual, thus christianity is dieing out. I grew up next to a church, it was recently levelled after being burnt out after being left derelict. I was prolly christened, as an anglican. Which I love cause its basically a bunch of brits goin 'fuck you rome!'But there was little to zero religion in my upbringing except what was forced at school. Talking to mum on the way home when I was 6 or so I told mum god made me and she cracked 'no, your father and I made you'. Made sense to me! God never walked me home from school
But as the generations change, and grow smarter, religion will dim. No way in hell would I let my flesh and blood be ritualised. When they grow up they can choose whatever path, philosiphy, or religion they like. But since the age of aquarius really is closing in soonish, jesus will become a distant memory from a less 'civilised' society. And if you think thats gonna make life worse, just think, a couple generations ago they didn't have electric guitars! Or marshall stacks!!! I'd trade jesus for a full ego wall any day...
Originally posted by bibz View PostIt is your own personality/moral fibre/ego/self that inspires you Bill, theres no actual word for it yet. Creed? Nah thats tied in to emo shit, ewww! Humans are constantly getting smarter and more intellectual, thus christianity is dieing out. I grew up next to a church, it was recently levelled after being burnt out after being left derelict. I was prolly christened, as an anglican. Which I love cause its basically a bunch of brits goin 'fuck you rome!'But there was little to zero religion in my upbringing except what was forced at school. Talking to mum on the way home when I was 6 or so I told mum god made me and she cracked 'no, your father and I made you'. Made sense to me! God never walked me home from school
But as the generations change, and grow smarter, religion will dim. No way in hell would I let my flesh and blood be ritualised. When they grow up they can choose whatever path, philosiphy, or religion they like. But since the age of aquarius really is closing in soonish, jesus will become a distant memory from a less 'civilised' society. And if you think thats gonna make life worse, just think, a couple generations ago they didn't have electric guitars! Or marshall stacks!!! I'd trade jesus for a full ego wall any day.....yeah, well you're definitely following me. Yeah man..ego..Narcisstic (the God complex) , just like Lil' Kim in N Korea!!!
Y'know, honestly I follow and cultivate my own Satanic philosophies. But I'm pretty casual about it. Much like my family who never went to church or reads the bible. Actually they're more casual than I am..I actually read the bible. Funny because my mom hates it and rolls her eyes and says shit like "You're an ass..stop with the Satan". Then I have fun with her and quote scripture, and asked when was the last time she read the bible. Then I ask her who's the most devoted husband and father she knows..then she just smiles.
My dad, well, he's a great dad..to me and some other people ..somewhere. ..:ROTF: Poppa was a rollin' stone!
Edit: Metal is the truest form of religion I will ever know, ..and Satan loves metal!!!Last edited by horns666; 07-20-2009, 11:10 AM."Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!
"Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.
Just a few random thoughts here:
1) I love it when christians try to tell me how I should act or what I should believe in as an atheist. I am sorry my beliefs cannot be pigeonholed in a way that satisfies such people.
2) I am not a biblical scholar at all. I do not have any training in theology. But I don't think one needs to exhaustively study Jack and the Beanstalk to know it's fiction, it has a dude climbing a beanstalk to the clouds for fucks sake! The same concept applies to the bible.
3) What's the problem with agnostics? One thing I have learned in life is that the people the most sure about things are the ones that are most wrong about them. Doubt and skepticism are a must to achieving true wisdom, no matter what you believe in.
4) That being said, I am an atheist. This term is very poorly understood, I don't really mean it in the "I don't believe in god sense". The key here is the "theist" part of the word. You can believe in god without being a theist, theism being the belief in religion, which I am 100% against. I don't know if god exists, and I don't give a fuck because he/she/it sure doesn't give a fuck about me if he/she/it exists.
5) To those preaching tolerance for religion, I ask you, you have seen the posts proclaiming the belief the religion is a negative force on humankind/society. Do you really expect people with these kinds of beliefs to tolerate religion? There is very little tolerance on this board for differing opinions of certain kinds like, say, belief in gun control, or the belief that Ratt was a bunch of feminine pansies. Why should religion be different?
6) Bill raises some interesting points about human nature. I think its very curious how the god of the bible ended up being as narcissistic as man. He made us in his own image!
7) I love numbered lists of random thoughts.
By the way Bill, I have no problem with "In Satan We Trust". There is a congressman who has passed a bill to have "In God We Trust" carved into the capitol. Of course it passed by a large margin - what a cynical move to push this fatuous piece of legislation. I would much rather see "In Satan We Trust" up there, just because thats the kind of guy I amLast edited by marcus; 07-20-2009, 11:04 AM."It's hard to be enigmatic if you have to go around explaining yourself all the time"
I don't run to a side so fast over the whole "In God We Trust" thing. I understand it more as being symbolic in nature. It doesn't piss me off nor does it make me bow down and pray. I see it much more like the Confederate flag - a symbol of heritage, not hate. I also understand that both also represent ideals much more to the right and left of my position, from moderates to zealots. To each their own for the most part.
On the earth is 6k yrs old thing, I dunno for sure. But I think it's unlikely. I have my own unsubstantiated thoughts on time variations. One of which is that it is possible, many years ago, the earth spun around at a faster rate than it does today. A day could have been less, to much less, than roughly 24 hours long. And then there is the scientific views about time and space being warped by certain forces. I think both are plausible, among other possibilities. Again, I dunno. I have not bought, rented or seen the damn DVD yet.In an insane world, only the sane seem crazy.
Well guys I would much rather see in Jason Becker we trust. Well for horns might as well just put in jeff loomis we trust. In tits we trust"Too bad Kurt didn't teach John how to aim a gun."
Jackson Shred
"maybe i should do what madona does and adopt a little chineese kid and get them to knock up a couple of guitars for me" cookiemonster
Originally posted by marcus View PostJust a few random thoughts here:
1) I love it when christians try to tell me how I should act or what I should believe in as an atheist. I am sorry my beliefs cannot be pigeonholed in a way that satisfies such people.
2) I am not a biblical scholar at all. I do not have any training in theology. But I don't think one needs to exhaustively study Jack and the Beanstalk to know it's fiction, it has a dude climbing a beanstalk to the clouds for fucks sake! The same concept applies to the bible.
3) What's the problem with agnostics? One thing I have learned in life is that the people the most sure about things are the ones that are most wrong about them. Doubt and skepticism are a must to achieving true wisdom, no matter what you believe in.
4) That being said, I am an atheist. This term is very poorly understood, I don't really mean it in the "I don't believe in god sense". The key here is the "theist" part of the word. You can believe in god without being a theist, theism being the belief in religion, which I am 100% against. I don't know if god exists, and I don't give a fuck because he/she/it sure doesn't give a fuck about me if he/she/it exists.
5) To those preaching tolerance for religion, I ask you, you have seen the posts proclaiming the belief the religion is a negative force on humankind/society. Do you really expect people with these kinds of beliefs to tolerate religion? There is very little tolerance on this board for differing opinions of certain kinds like, say, belief in gun control, or the belief that Ratt was a bunch of feminine pansies. Why should religion be different?
6) Bill raises some interesting points about human nature. I think its very curious how the god of the bible ended up being as narcissistic as man. He made us in his own image!
7) I love numbered lists of random thoughts.
By the way Bill, I have no problem with "In Satan We Trust". There is a congressman who has passed a bill to have "In God We Trust" carved into the capitol. Of course it passed by a large margin - what a cynical move to push this fatuous piece of legislation. I would much rather see "In Satan We Trust" up there, just because thats the kind of guy I amPeople of all religions get along just fine here, I dont see the need for all the hate. If thats not how it is where you live then I feel sorry for you to have to deal with all that stuff. "As man gets more intelligent religion will fade away". Thats some funny shit. There will always be those with Faith. And I dont mean the George Michael or Limp Bizkit kind.
Originally posted by Carbuff View PostI keep seeing the word Christians being thrown around in this thread. I live in NY, Long Island to be exact. Here the term Christian (and Im sure the Dictionary's too) means someone who believes that Jesus was the son of god and all. This would include Catholic, and Protestant religions as well. I have never met a person here who has tried to push his version of religion on me aside from the occasional Jehovah's Witness. I never heard of a Young Earther. So, a lot of this hostility and such towards religion is quite foreign to me. Now, if by the word Christian you mean the weirdos that might come up to you and try to push their shit on you like its their job or something then I guess its just a regional term and I dont understand it anymore that half the terms that Rsmacker uses.People of all religions get along just fine here, I dont see the need for all the hate. If thats not how it is where you live then I feel sorry for you to have to deal with all that stuff. "As man gets more intelligent religion will fade away". Thats some funny shit. There will always be those with Faith. And I dont mean the George Michael or Limp Bizkit kind.
I don't really hate anybody based upon religion, and I am not sure why you would have interpreted my post that way, but OKI actually get along with religious people just fine. I live in the South, I pretty much have to.
"It's hard to be enigmatic if you have to go around explaining yourself all the time"
Originally posted by Jayster View Post
Patient decides --> doctor gives the final shot of morphine or opiate cocktail or some other such concoction.
In a strict sense:
It is the act of ending a patïent's life and handling with that exact intent and with that exact outcome, after the patiënt has chosen to do so.
Every single word of that definition then pretty much has a complete legal procedure attached to it. "Patient decides" looks like a very short term, but the actual procedures and checks are rigorous to actually follow the patiënt's final decision in a legal way (read: not murder).
I get a weird sense that you graze topics and then try to mold them pro your arguments in a way that is very simplistic, I mean to say, without going further into them and exploring what you are actually talking about. This does not help your side of the debate, nor does calling someone a communist, in the hopes of invoking stalinesque or anti-atheïst pictures.You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.
Originally posted by marcus View PostAll of my comments were based upon posts in this thread. Also, you could substitute "muslim" or whatever fill in the blank religion for Christian in my post and I would still stand by it. I just used the term Christian because, again, I was basing my comments for the most part on this thread. I don't think any muslims or whatever have chimed in.
I don't really hate anybody based upon religion, and I am not sure why you would have interpreted my post that way, but OKI actually get along with religious people just fine. I live in the South, I pretty much have to.
I just meant that there seemed to be a lot of negative feelings towards religion going on here and I just dont get it as Ive never had a problem with it personally. But I guess in other parts of the country or other nations this might be an issue.
Originally posted by Carbuff View PostIm sorry, I didnt mean to single you out as a Hater.I just meant that there seemed to be a lot of negative feelings towards religion going on here and I just dont get it as Ive never had a problem with it personally. But I guess in other parts of the country or other nations this might be an issue.
Eventhough it wasn't pointed towards me, let me just clarify. I have no problems with religious people whatsoever. Hell, my grandmother's the keeper of two churches! Those gigantic tube organs can make your ribcage rattle in the lower registries.
But I DO have a problem with religion and its most extreme proponents. Of course the irony is that an extremist view on religion is unwanted and dangerous and a moderate religion is obsolete and leads to people becoming athëist anyways (current trend). You can see how that leads to more extremism.
I don't hate people that have religious views. On the contrary, it kind of gives me some fire and ambition to further helping them. Much like I feel compassion for people with cancer and would wish their ailment to be cured and their lives to be full and happy ones.You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.
Originally posted by toxikdeth View PostAgnostic is the way to go"Yes,..that's when they used to shove a red hot spike in your peehole until you screamed "yes, yes, godammit ..you fuggin' dicks..I'm a witch..I am witch..you cocksuckers"" horns666