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Nightmare on Elm Street Remake Poster.

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  • #16
    Maybe the Vinnie Vincent Invasion will reform for the title track.


    • #17
      Originally posted by SlaytanicDude View Post
      No, Dokken is about dream warriors

      How could I mistake the creators of such a heavy and meaningful rock anthem with something so cheesy as Dio's dragons and swords?

      Truthfully the only Dokken song I remember, and it's still every bit as cheesy as I remember. WE'RE THE DREEEM WARR-E-YARRRSSS...

      Hopefully the produced some good music sometime before or after this? Lynch had to work a lot harder for that for his "legend of metal guitar" title?

      Pfft... I don't usually slag on other guitar players and I'm probably not going to make any friends by this but I was at the Monsters of Rock show where Dokken played and they did not impress me one bit.

      George's solo was mostly sustainiac and finger-tapping while he kept re-angling his guitar to avoid screaching, squealing feedback and there were these three kids in Metallica T-shirts standing up with their fingers in their ears the whole time, I laughed my ass off.


      • #18
        Agreed. I tried to give Dorken an honest listen, but couldn't find anything about them to justify George Lynch's Guitar Hero status. His solos never fit the song, it was always "we interrupt the shitty vocals to bring you masturbating on the guitar".

        Donna Dorken has a pretty voice, but not one for the music they were trying to do. He had no balls, and I loved when Dio called him on it for the Stars Project

        And they can remake Karate Kid all they want. It sucked and anything's an improvement. Doesn't change the "wax on, wax off" legacy, though, nor does it have any impact on Pat Morita's memory. But if they're going to go on a Ralph Maccio spree, they better not touch Crossroads. Not for Ralphie's acting, for damn sure, but so they don't try to replace Steve Vai with some wannabe asshat.
        Last edited by Newc; 07-23-2009, 06:51 PM.
        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

        My Blog:


        • #19
          Originally posted by Newc View Post
          Not for Ralphie's acting, for damn sure, but so they don't try to replace Steve Vai with some wannabe asshat.


          Maybe Lynch isn't busy?

          For realz... I saw Vai live a while back... I didn't even really like his solo stuff I'd heard, but I wanted to see him. He fucking blew me away. George Lynch isn't fit to restring Vai's guitar.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Newc View Post
            Sorry, Urban Dictionary doesn't count as it's full of stuff any moron can make up on the spot.

            Dank means unpleasantly humid. The stoners will just have to grow up.

            I saw nothing wrong with F13 or Halloween. Better acting in both, better kills in both, better effects all around. Late-70s/early-80s film-making sucked in general, so anything they can do today is an improvement. You can do great stuff today on a low budget. Back then, it was shlock horror that just plain sucked - bad acting, bad music, bad cinematography, bad direction.

            The NOES movies had too many gimmicks and cheesy effects, plus bad 80s hairdos and those lame-ass "jokes". Puppetry sucks no matter who's doing it or why. Fake rubber talking heads and stretchy arms vs 3D? Pfft. 3D wins.

            The only one that came out halfway right back then was John Carpenter's The Thing. Stan Winston is the only one who can do believeable rubber robot critters.
            Originally posted by horns666
            The only thing I choke during sex is, my chicken..especially when I wanna glaze my wife's buns.


            • #21
              Originally posted by guitarsjb View Post
              Cool poster...I'm dreading this remake though...I just can't seem to envision anything without Robert Englund.

              The Friday the 13th remake was horrid

              Although I did like Rob Zombies Halloween, and am looking forward to the 2nd one.
              Yeah man, I thought RZ's Halloween kicked ass. Most remakes are pretty much garbage, though. Death Race coulda been a cool movie on its own, but taking elements from Death Race 2000 was kinda dumb in my opinion. If they wanted to copy anything from DR2000, it shoulda stayed with the civilian point system and all.
              I'm not afraid to bleed, but I won't do it for you.


              • #22
                There is no doubt that film and effects have come a long way since many of these movies came out. That said I still dont think they should be redone. I started watching RZ's Halloween and it looked interesting but I still like the original more. I havent even bothered with F13 or Texas Chainsaw Masacre.


                • #23
                  The Phantasm flicks, I enjoyed those.
                  Bram Stoker's Dracula, Queen of the Damned and From Dusk Till Dawn.
                  Great vampire flicks.

                  The Freddie flicks, had the original story (first movie only) been left alone and not taken to ridiculous stupid place/s altogether, might have been more memorable, but that's Hollywood. The first one was my favorite, and thanks to Hollywood anything after the first one indeed got cheesy really quick.

                  As far as the Dokken movie theme song goes, I'm sure they all are still enjoying the sales from it.

                  Like it or not, somebody made a good professional career decision.
                  Whereas, I'm working for a living they aren't.
                  Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

                  "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

                  I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

                  Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.

