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Morning Metal !!!

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  • Morning Metal !!!

    I'm starting to dig the riffing from these guys!!!
    Silent Civilian -Silent Civilian - "Rebirth of the Temple"Like this video? Come see hundreds more at! - the Net's biggest home for metal,...
    Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...

  • #2
    Sorry broseppi Jay..I loathe this waterered down cookie cutter, Americanized CLASSIC Swedish schtick (NWOSDT or NWOSDM). A style of music I completely embraced 15 years ago, and still do...but just the real deal. Here's some history on it..

    EX: This style is done "true to form" by members of this forum, keeping it's true metal intregrity includes Anders-Coldworker, Peter (Ihave27frets) The Absence, Inazone - Under Eden, and what I wanted with Bed Of Nails. Evile Matt is more Bay area, but cool as hell.

    BUT for what it's worth I like this thrend MUCH more than any past trends we ever had. The ebonic plague, grunge and the down-tuned "one finger virtuocity" of Nu and Rap "Metal". Sadly, with all trends..they have expirtation dates. I just so happen to be in this scene long before there was a scene. In FACT, by 2000 the metal underground was tired of the well worn, burned-out Gothenburg style. Something I wanted to bring to Cleveland years ago. Now my son is contemplating starting a band simply called "Gothenburg". He already knows 50% of every At The Gates riff ever made.and plays much more complex "catchy" riffs than the band posted above...hmmm wonder where he got that from.

    In '96-97 I tried so hard to NOT sound like Van Halen, and it was Nevermore and mostly Sweden bands as Carcass, Arch Enemy, ATG, Dark Tranquility, Darkane, Soilwork, In Flames, and ect ect..that broke me free from that style. Now I want to break out of this style because it sounds like everyone else. It's like the 80's VH clone epidemic for me all over again. But at least it takes TALENT to play this unlike kids grabbin' their dicks while bustin rhymes, and playing guitars with more than one finger. So I guess that's a good thing.

    I joined this place in late 2001, early 2002, and I would've never guessed kids would be playing guitars again, Let alone playing the same kind of riffs I did long ago would become a cliche..fuggit. :think:

    This trend will die like all the others. When all the kids start sounding like Jeff Loomis/Nevermore...I'll just fuggin' quit and pick another shuffleboard or possibly golf.

    Seriously if you guys like this stuff's just dummied down versions of COUNTLESS bands I think you should really check out. I'll glady point you there, with the help of others here..they know who they are.

    There WILL always be a difference between true metal and trends. No matter how fine the lines are or blurred. Metalheads like myself will always know the difference.

    Rev. B Fuggums ..card carrying member of EATME!!

    Assholes of
    "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
    Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

    "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


    • #3
      Think of this as a big wave of american kids mocking the great NWOBHM bands as Anglewitch, Iron Maiden, Judas Preist ect, but really faggin' it up.

      OK, Rob Halford is EXEMPT!

      Rev B Fuggums..

      Assholes of
      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


      • #4
        I dug it.

        Metal-core, death-core, scream-o, emo-core, Swede-core?

        Who the fuck cares - good tune.
        Blank yo!


        • #5
          Well, then you guys may like the singer's old band ..Spineshank. ..

          Edit: and the guitarist old band Bleed The Sky...
          Last edited by horns666; 07-25-2009, 12:09 PM.
          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


          • #6
            I thought this would be a thread about how we wake up to metal...or atleast I do. That scream in Angel of Death wakes me up better than any fucking alarm clock I've ever had. It's like a wake up call "time to headbang motherfucker"....that alarm clock just goes ding. Fuck that.

            BTW Horns I saw Nevermore on the tube last week-on some shit Fuse? Wasn't VH1 ot MTV2 for sure. They showed that Gigantour movie Megadeth made for the 2005 tour, and Nevermore was the second band, playing Enemies of Reality. I never thought I'd see them on the tube...not that it's unwelcome There should be a channel for metal...


            • #7
              I don't think I want bands like Nevermore on the TV/radio..people are not worthy of such awesomness.

              Metal's popularity dies whenever it goes mainstream. Then it goes underground where it belongs. Where it is gains strength..and worshipped only by members of EATME!

              ..or they become Def Leppard.

              Rev.B Fuggums ..founder of EATME.!
              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


              • #8
                So it's gonna go underground again after this metalcore crap?

                And I don't think most people would watch a show with Nevermore and similar bands...the metal brand still carries it's deserved evilness and most people shy away from atleast the real stuff...and if not well then they're more metal than thought or they're gonna get their ass kicked somewhere along the way


                • #9
                  Thing is man..water floats to its own level.

                  That applies for everyone..everything..everwhere.

                  Jay and 'Turk are good dudes man, and they know I truly respect them. But Metal NEEDS motherfuckers like me to keep it pure as possible. Metal is as close to a religion I'll ever can't fuck with Rev B Fuggums' religion!

                  It just ain't gonna happen. ALL trends can EATME, and they always do...ever since fuggin' Disco.
                  "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                  Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                  "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                  • #10
                    Aaaahhh to modern
                    "Too bad Kurt didn't teach John how to aim a gun."
                    Jackson Shred

                    "maybe i should do what madona does and adopt a little chineese kid and get them to knock up a couple of guitars for me" cookiemonster


                    • #11
                      Fuggums I don't know what to say except I agree. There's alot of shit out there on the way to good metal...I have friends who listen to shitty -core br00t@l crap and nu-Metallica and Slipknot, but also the good shit like Marty-era Megadeth and Slayer...they're fun people, but shit they need a kick up the ass sometimes, which I'm more than happy to deliver. I've gotten atleast one kid out of his -core stage, so I must be doing something right.


                      • #12
                        I was waking up to Angel Witch every morning for a long time since its the first song on my iPod. Even my wife can sing along with it now!!!

                        Originally posted by horns666 View Post
                        But Metal NEEDS motherfuckers like me to keep it pure as possible. Metal is as close to a religion I'll ever know..

                        It just ain't gonna happen. ALL trends can EATME, and they always do...ever since fuggin' Disco.
                        I don't want to get into a "trends" discussion - I stay away from them - in fact, I skip over a lot of the trend ranting all together (even though I pipe in once in a while that I like some crap new band). Basically, if there's ripping guitars, I'll give the music a listen. Usually, a lot of times I bow out of obscure stuff because of the vocals. I have a limited tolerance for cookie monster stuff. Screaming is OK in the Slayer and the sons of Slayer vein (say like Children of Bodom), but like, Lamb of God is too much growl for me (and I like Randy's contribution to the latest Overkill disc... odd). And I've also said that I didn't like the vocals in Nevermore - not cookie monster at all (from what I heard) - but too much chorus and reverb soaking on the vocals. Turned me off to them even though the music is great.

                        Anyway, there's too much other shitty music out there for us metalheads to argue over who's more metal than thou.
                        Last edited by Grandturk; 07-25-2009, 03:23 PM.
                        Blank yo!


                        • #13
                          real morning metal


                          • #14
                            Turk...Jay, wassup doods!!

                            You know you're right when it comes to good riffs, especially ones that inspires your own ideas. Being an original player..I'm always values that. One day my son was playing what I thought was a riff he came up was a pretty bad ass sumbitch. So I went to his room and told him "That's really good". He said "That's Trivium dad"..and Trivium is "metal" enough for me to enjoy, with the execption of the sappy "crooning" parts. It wouldn't be so bad if most of these guys could sing, but most of them just can't..and to me I rather hear decent aggressive gruff vocals than bad clean vocals. I'm all for dymanics , but without losing momentum or metal integrity. Like I said, I'm a's a lifelong devotion which includes over 6500 metal cds I'm constantly weeding thru just to make room for only the best. In my years of weeding, trading and selling I'm sure I went through twice that amount. That's ALOT of time and money invested, but it's always my biggest joy. I'm still feel like a kid whenever I unwrap a new metal cd I really want. People say "You can't possibly listen to all of them"..yes, yes I do..I'm retired and it is 90% of my free time. I agree about Blythe's robotic, monotone vocal style, which was so grating when I picked up New American Gospel around 2000. But he toned it down more with dynamics..I can listen to the last couple LOG cds without getting annoyed now. I love his guest spot on "Immortalis".

                            But I would love to continue my old metal suggestion/review thing. It's what established me here, besides endless tale of puddery. I was always asked for metal suggestions and reviews including one of the admins. I'd LOVE to, and I will. But I've been busy at home with my family. Taking care of the wife with her health/injury claim issues..constantly going off on her employer's ins co. But that'll come to an end soon and hopefully. Maybe @ Casa Del Fuggems or dedicated "sticky" JCF
                            Metal Review thread. I'll talk to Jeremy about that, I've been told he may be interested, and I can gradually start working on that.

                            Just so ya know...there is no arguing on my part. None whatsover. Hell, I have personal priorities that are way above and beyond any debate imaginable here. Even tho I seem to find time bumpin' heads with the occasional troll..instead of tending to my thread, catching up with friends, and talkin' metal.

                            BTW: about Warrel's voice in Nevermore. My wife also didn't care for his voice about 7-8 years ago. She also said it was what turned her off with NM. He's just has a very unique, distinct style that really different than most singers. But she gradually liked him more and more, and Warrell's solo release "Praises to the war machine" is one of her favorite albums of all time. That goes for Cleveland Metal as well, who also like the way he sings on his solo effort than he does with NM. It's an amazing record, maybe that's a good way to really get to know his style, because it seems to work with people in my circles who felt the same. I know he one of Tim Owens', mine and my singer's and wife's favorite vocalist/writer, and his style has been dupilcated by so many respected underground metal bands for well over a decade..and I could name each and every band! Actually, Vitamin G and I talked about this years ago.

                            Like I've said before to other memebers years ago while they were defending that Nu metal wasn't a trend. Whenever I attack a band it is NOT a personal attack on you. Wha..I don't expect most people to ike what I do and they don't. I don't love my father because he thinks what I listen to is "noise"..He turned me onto Black Sabbath when I was eight years old. He started this shit!

                            BTW I'll ALL for modern metal, just not trends. TRUE Metal is the anti-trend. That is entry level metal 101 basics! Metal is 100% timeless, trends are definetly not, and sound dated in a matter of a few years!

                            ..just stating facts..and not opinion.
                            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                            • #15
                              Hiya BillZ bubbles,

                              I had to crash out after work - those guys made me bust ass last night(prelude to vacation ~ style).
                              I appreciate your feedback, that's some of the newest music I've listened to (flamesuit on) that and Unearth .

                              And maybe we should revive your old thread, however there is quite a bit I can't stomach of the new (suicide silence, etc..).
                              It's always cool to hear new stuff, some of it speaks to you and some of it doesn't, know what I mean.
                              Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...

