Hello Friends,
First and foremost, thanks for all the positive thoughts!
I'm currently recuperating from my first surgery, so my GF gave me a little EEE PC and as such will be able to connect to the outside world from time to time.
The Story
I was hit by a truck which ran through the red light on thursday while riding my ZX7R.
The Result
right leg: tibia completely severed from feet, clod-bone broken in 3 places; open-fractures
left arm: wrist broken to the joint and shoulder fracture
body/head: smaller issues
They did place a temporary external fixator so my right leg is in line and connected with my foot. For the moment they are waiting to see if there are infections developping since it were open fractures.
The Continuation
I'm looking probably at a hospital stay for 6 weeks and a revalidation period untill end of the year, but I'm not complaining as it could have been much worse.
I have a few dealings open with some people, so I'll try to follow up them the best I can, but it will be slower then normal. Luckely, my GF does support this kind of destraction, so she will try to help out!
Rock on,
First and foremost, thanks for all the positive thoughts!
I'm currently recuperating from my first surgery, so my GF gave me a little EEE PC and as such will be able to connect to the outside world from time to time.
The Story
I was hit by a truck which ran through the red light on thursday while riding my ZX7R.
The Result
right leg: tibia completely severed from feet, clod-bone broken in 3 places; open-fractures
left arm: wrist broken to the joint and shoulder fracture
body/head: smaller issues
They did place a temporary external fixator so my right leg is in line and connected with my foot. For the moment they are waiting to see if there are infections developping since it were open fractures.
The Continuation
I'm looking probably at a hospital stay for 6 weeks and a revalidation period untill end of the year, but I'm not complaining as it could have been much worse.
I have a few dealings open with some people, so I'll try to follow up them the best I can, but it will be slower then normal. Luckely, my GF does support this kind of destraction, so she will try to help out!
Rock on,
