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favotite metal songs where vocalist screams

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  • favotite metal songs where vocalist screams

    just going thru some old files..... my all time favorite is deep purple ~child in time~off made in japan....used to blast that every morning..
    rounding out my top 3 are judas priest victim of changes and
    metal church ....gods of wrath....(great live vesion available on you tube

    anyone got some o;d fave's?
    “But does it help with the blues rock chatter?"-Hellbat

  • #2
    sanctuary veil of disguise
    "Too bad Kurt didn't teach John how to aim a gun."
    Jackson Shred

    "maybe i should do what madona does and adopt a little chineese kid and get them to knock up a couple of guitars for me" cookiemonster


    • #3
      My all-time favorite scream is Daltry in "Won't Get Fooled Again."
      Death Or Glory - Who Dares Wins


      • #4
        Lamb Of God - Terror And Hubris in the House of Frank Pollard
        You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


        • #5
          You gotta go with Number of the Beast.
          Blank yo!


          • #6
            *Fill in King Diamond song here*
            "Dear Dr. Bill,
            I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

            "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub


            • #7
              Originally posted by Grandturk View Post
              You gotta go with Number of the Beast.
              I was gonna say, pretty much anything Iron Maiden.

              Bruce Bruce likes to scream a lot.


              • #8
                Sebastian Bach ~ Monkey Business
                Paul Shortino ~ You Keep Breaking My Heart
                CJ Snare ~ Overnight Sensation
                Bon Jovi is like a frozen Coca Cola.. It's cool, it's crunchy, but when all is said and done it is still pop....


                • #9
                  *Fill in King Diamond song here*
                  almost forgot ..shit now i gotta youtube him.... yikes
                  You gotta go with Number of the Beast.
                  old .....iron maiden..... live after permanently imbedded on the the ipod shuffle..YUM
                  “But does it help with the blues rock chatter?"-Hellbat


                  • #10
                    "Angel of Death"
                    So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                    I nearly broke her back


                    • #11
                      Ooh it's a tie between Angel of Death and "Sworn in the Metal Wind" by Lost Horizon.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
                        "Sworn in the Metal Wind" by Lost Horizon.
                        Greatest song of all time. I should bring my old avatar back. That entire album is magic. Best 10 bucks I ever spent.

                        Edit: Done. My original avatar is officially back. Bye bye Judas Priest. Hello Awakening the World.

                        I would argue that Highlander has more screamy-ness to it than Sworn into the Metal Wind. Mainly that ridiculous end part and that part at 7:12-7:15 where he his an inhuman note.
                        Last edited by Ben...; 08-05-2009, 12:49 AM.
                        "Dear Dr. Bill,
                        I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

                        "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub


                        • #13
                          Prong - Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck


                          • #14
                            my favorite scream is at the end of Sid Row's "The Threat"

                            but as an overall song... well Stevie mentioned "Monkey Business" I'll go with that
                            "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                            "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                            • #15
                              Still of the Night? It was the first song that sprang to mind
                              Hail yesterday

