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Can't find good guitars anymore

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  • #16
    Originally posted by mr426 View Post
    Hey Etepbb you in Blaine? I live there too..Willies is cool for vintage stuff, but for pointy things they are not as good.Still a cool place.I like Capitol Guitars in St Paul too.Good guys and they sell Jacksons.
    +1 on Capitol. I said this in one of the other threads, but Capital gets my business just because those guys are very cool and straight with you. I told them to open a shop up here, now that all the others stores are closed.


    • #17
      I have talked to them before about moving.They told me thier lease is going until 2011 I think.So I think they will move after.There are no shops up here anymore.They kinda all sucked anyway.There is a new one by Moore lake on 65, but again they kinda suck too.
      H3LL IS HOME!!!


      • #18
        Not everyone has the luck or fortune to live near a Matts Music Center, Make'n Music, Washington Music Center or Dave's Guitar shop.
        The big box stores cater to 95% of the music instrument clientele. Not everyone is going to buy a PRS, Suhr, Tom Anderson, high end Fender CS or Gibson or any other boutique piece on a continous basis. Or at least continously enough for the big box retailers to pay staff, utilities, etc.

        Amps or guitars, pick your poison.

        So.......... thank our lucky stars for the internet and 48 hr examination policies.
        Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


        • #19
          Yeah you are right about that Joe...I figure if I ever hit the lottery, I would take a massive road trip to cool guitar stores and find the guitars that really speak to me...
          H3LL IS HOME!!!


          • #20
            Originally posted by mr426 View Post
            When I was a teenager there was a guitar store here called Knut Koupe.
            That place was a little slice of heaven. I visited every chance I got until I actually lived in Mpls. Then I was too broke to put up with the GAS. I was a starving art student at MCAD struggling to buy airbrushes so I couldn't stand to be looking at Jacksons and BC Riches.

            Originally posted by MakeAJazzNoiseHere
            I would pretty much need to get a plane ticket to hold anything in my hands that is worth buying before buying it. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case with most anyone in a city smaller than New York, L.A., or Chicago
            I'm sure we have a better chance of playing a USA pointy here in L.A., but it ain't the '80's anymore. I'm usually jealous of what the forum dealers have in stock.


            • #21
              Here at the shop its the under $400.00 range that sells the most. Most of the really cool stuff is covered with a waiting list of clients and customers wanting the high end stuff.
              The good part is I get the pick of the litter and can horde the ones I like for myself.

