Ok, the saga of this transaction is not over, but it should have been DAYS ago.
I sold my RR1. Now, right before this guy won it, I sent a message (through ebay) saying hi and that kind of goofy stuff to open a communication channel. Get some kind of contact going. No answer. He wins the auction. Fine. I wait a day..no payment. I didn't send an invoice immediately because when I am bidding on something, I'm usually keeping an eye on it, and know when I've won it and pay as soon as I know.
The next day, no payment..I send an invoice. Keeping in mind..he might be away from the computer or whatever..I'm willing to give it a bit of time. Not much, but a bit. Did that...that was Saturday...auction ended on Thursday. Saturday afternoon, I get a message for an invoice. Well, I already sent one..so I send another. Well, I screw up on the 2nd invoice and actually it's for double the amount. (My fault) Crap! I send a message saying I fucked up, just pay the amount of the first one, then thinking he didn't get that one, clarified the amount.
No reply..no nothing...Sunday, I send a message to him (all of this is through ebay) asking when I can expect payment. Now I'm getting a bit frustrated. Again, no reply, no payment.
Well, today is Monday. The auction ended Thursday. I know my 2nd invoice was a mess, but still expected payment off of the first (correct one). By this time I have sent like 6 messages/ 2 invoices and NO REPLY except the first one asking for an invoice AFTER I had sent one.
So...in his request for an invoice, he sent his name/shipping address. I google it..find him on facebook. Not knowing if this is the correct man, I send a message full of apologies for bothering him if he's not the guy yada yada just trying to see what's going on and where my payment is.
Well, it's the right guy. He's a bit put out that I tracked him down through facebook. Told him I wouldn't have if he would have bothered to answer ONE damn message. So...then he tells me I over invoiced him, and he's reported me to ebay. WTF...why not just ask me what the problem is. So then he says he never got any message, wants the guitar..tried to pay me, but the invoice kept bringing up the wrong amount. We sent a few messages back and forth through facebook, I thought everything was cool. He says re-invoice him and he will pay me. I do ....he don't....
How can he get my invoices, but not my messages?? Not making sense. My spidey sense is tingling here...I've already told him he can bail on this anytime he wants and I'll just relist it. All of this is just strange.
I sold my RR1. Now, right before this guy won it, I sent a message (through ebay) saying hi and that kind of goofy stuff to open a communication channel. Get some kind of contact going. No answer. He wins the auction. Fine. I wait a day..no payment. I didn't send an invoice immediately because when I am bidding on something, I'm usually keeping an eye on it, and know when I've won it and pay as soon as I know.
The next day, no payment..I send an invoice. Keeping in mind..he might be away from the computer or whatever..I'm willing to give it a bit of time. Not much, but a bit. Did that...that was Saturday...auction ended on Thursday. Saturday afternoon, I get a message for an invoice. Well, I already sent one..so I send another. Well, I screw up on the 2nd invoice and actually it's for double the amount. (My fault) Crap! I send a message saying I fucked up, just pay the amount of the first one, then thinking he didn't get that one, clarified the amount.
No reply..no nothing...Sunday, I send a message to him (all of this is through ebay) asking when I can expect payment. Now I'm getting a bit frustrated. Again, no reply, no payment.
Well, today is Monday. The auction ended Thursday. I know my 2nd invoice was a mess, but still expected payment off of the first (correct one). By this time I have sent like 6 messages/ 2 invoices and NO REPLY except the first one asking for an invoice AFTER I had sent one.
So...in his request for an invoice, he sent his name/shipping address. I google it..find him on facebook. Not knowing if this is the correct man, I send a message full of apologies for bothering him if he's not the guy yada yada just trying to see what's going on and where my payment is.
Well, it's the right guy. He's a bit put out that I tracked him down through facebook. Told him I wouldn't have if he would have bothered to answer ONE damn message. So...then he tells me I over invoiced him, and he's reported me to ebay. WTF...why not just ask me what the problem is. So then he says he never got any message, wants the guitar..tried to pay me, but the invoice kept bringing up the wrong amount. We sent a few messages back and forth through facebook, I thought everything was cool. He says re-invoice him and he will pay me. I do ....he don't....
How can he get my invoices, but not my messages?? Not making sense. My spidey sense is tingling here...I've already told him he can bail on this anytime he wants and I'll just relist it. All of this is just strange.