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Stupid hockey!!!

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  • Stupid hockey!!!

    After all those years of leading with my left shoulder to deliver decent checks, I guess I've caused myself enough damage to give me arthritis is that shoulder. FUCK!!! I just thought I slept on it wrong . After reviewing my MRI pics and I said that (sleeping on it wrong) the doctor looked at me with a "wtf is wrong with you" face. He pointed out the problem are on the pic and said "see this shaded area? is not supposed to be there". Gave me 3 cortizone shots that didn't do anything, and now I go off to surgery next week because he doesn't want to keep shooting me up and cause scar tissue further aggravating the area.

    Surgery....I don't really care about, its the damn recovery part that sucks ass. My left arm is gonna be useless for about two months. There oges my aspirations of becoming the next big thing on the Metal/Hard Rock scene.

    Jeez I'm only 39 years old and I am falling apart

    1. Multiple Sclerosis
    2. Lyme disease
    3. Spinal Meningitis
    4. Badly Arthritic Shoulder

    Not to mention that I am burdened with the weight of an abnormally huge penis. I was gonna use really put that part of me to use once I became the next big thing in Metal/Hard Rock, but now that plan has been sidelined. FUCK!!

    Just kiddin about the abnormally large penis, I'm Irish/Italian. So in reality, I have a huge hairy bush instead.
    I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.

  • #2
    You're 39 and still have aspirations of becoming the next big thing on the Metal/Hard Rock scene? :think:

    Maybe your next exam should be from a Psychiatrist?

    Kidding. If you're still working for a break, more power to ya. Us old farts can play guitar, too.

    I have "cervical degenerative disease" in my neck that causes me to have pretty much constant pain on the left side of my neck as well some days I can't turn my head more than 1/4 of the way. The surgeries for this kind of thing are pretty scary, so I just eat a lot of Advil. My doctor says it's "not that bad" but he doesn't have to live with it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by MakeAJazzNoiseHere View Post
      You're 39 and still have aspirations of becoming the next big thing on the Metal/Hard Rock scene? :think:

      Maybe your next exam should be from a Psychiatrist?

      Kidding. If you're still working for a break, more power to ya. Us old farts can play guitar, too.

      I have "cervical degenerative disease" in my neck that causes me to have pretty much constant pain on the left side of my neck as well some days I can't turn my head more than 1/4 of the way. The surgeries for this kind of thing are pretty scary, so I just eat a lot of Advil. My doctor says it's "not that bad" but he doesn't have to live with it.
      Ok the internet didn't pass along my sense of sarcasm at all. I should've used the " " thing .
      No, I have NO aspirations of making it big. Well unless there is a market for really bad guitarists that play the same covers (badly) over and over again.
      I'm just pissed off about having to wear a fukkin sling for a few months. Not that big a deal, just bitching.

      Cevical degenerative disease, isn't that what Mick Mars has? If so, then man, I hope that they find something for you. I really do. I feel lucky to just have my problems. they aren't that bad as long as you learn to live with em. Not that tough cause its not like we have a choice in the matter.
      Last edited by bombtek; 08-28-2009, 01:00 PM.
      I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.


      • #4
        Damn. sorry to hear this. I hope the surgery fixes it for you.

        Having said that, don't blame it on the game of hockey I'm 45 and have no health issues (knock on wood) from playing


        • #5
          Originally posted by bombtek View Post
          Ok the internet didn't pass along my sense of sarcasm at all. I should've used the " " thing .
          No, I have NO aspirations of making it big. Well unless there is a market for really bad guitarists that play the same covers (badly) over and over again.
          I'm just pissed off about having to wear a fukkin sling for a few months. Not that big a deal, just bitching.

          Cevical degenerative disease, isn't that what Mick Mars has? If so, then man, I hope that they find something for you. I really do. I feel lucky to just have my problems. they aren't that bad as long as you learn to live with em. Not that tough cause its not like we have a choice in the matter.
          Ha ha ha... Fair enough man. I was not sure if you were kidding or not, but, you know, being 40 myself I sometimes get a little "mid-life crisis" going and catch myself wishing that, you know, I'd "make it" or I think "Wow, that finish would look awesome on under the stage lights..." and I'm like, "Self, what the fuck are you thinking? You gonna put a stage in the basement?"

          I didn't know Mick Mars had cervical degenerative disease. I did see some pics of him at and he looks like a walking cadaver. A buddy of mine the other day told me that Mick can "barely move" anymore but he's still playing. I think that's cool, as long as I can still fuck and play my guitar, I'm in.

          They told me mine is "mild." :dunno: They suggested PT and maybe a traction device. The traction device only works when you have it on, so it's kind of dumb IMO, and I've just been trying to remember to move my neck to keep it loose and it's actually been working very well, I'm down to maybe 3 Advils a day, and some days I can get by without any at all.

          I'm sure it will probably get worse no matter what I do, but it seems to be very slow, like not a noticeable worsening over the last 5 years ago or so. It's a lovely daily reminder that I'm getting old.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
            Damn. sorry to hear this. I hope the surgery fixes it for you.

            Having said that, don't blame it on the game of hockey I'm 45 and have no health issues (knock on wood) from playing
            Only reason I said hockey is cuz the doc asked "any injuries or contact sports when you were younger?, the reason I ask is because this is not a new injury, its pretty damn old. Well that leaves hockey and I pretty much always favored leading with my left shoulder for all of my checks. Sometimes the guy was quicker than me and I hit the boards with that shoulder at full speed. YOUCH!!
            I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.


            • #7
              Hockey? :think:

              Knees? What knees? Glad I don't make a living on them like some do...

              I'm 43 and full of aches and pains and now an L4/5 that's fractured from an old hockey injury that never healed, I'll be getting that fixed over the winter.

              I feel for ya bro, nothing a few hydro's can't fix tho...
              Don't blame Congress or the President - blame yourselves. ~Newc


              • #8
                I must be blessed with a good body, I played full contact from squirt to juniors and then non-contact beer leagues after that. I thought for sure my knees would be shot by now but I think my runnng keeps em from rusting up or something

                btw...I'm a righty and always led with my left shoulder too. I hope one day I don't just tweak up and find out I have something that was caused by an old injury that you never thought was an injury...typical hockey mentality...merely a flesh wound, I'll be ready for my next shift


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
                  btw...I'm a righty and always led with my left shoulder too. I hope one day I don't just tweak up and find out I have something that was caused by an old injury that you never thought was an injury...typical hockey mentality...merely a flesh wound, I'll be ready for my next shift

                  I have no doubt that is what happened to me. About a year prior to me going to the doc's I would have my wife or kids put their hand on my shoulder and I would lift my arm up You can feel as well as hear a distinct pop, pop, pop as I bring my arm through a full rotation. I always got a kick out of their expressions when I did that never really thought anything was really wrong with it........I was wrong.
                  I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.


                  • #10
                    I really hope your not difusing bombs with that arm..


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by atdguitars View Post
                      I really hope your not difusing bombs with that arm..
                      Why not? It's not as if the bomb is gonna behave for me if my arm was 100%. I've been doing it like this for the past 9 years.

                      I am however not going to put my hands on stuff whilst I wear a sling for a few months.....yeah I know I'm a big pussy.
                      I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.


                      • #12
                        I remember back in the day.....we had both arms in a sling and we had to walk to disarm bombs with no shoes and 5 feet of snow ..up hill both ways.
                        Damn kids now days..


                        • #13
                          Well had the surgery earlier today......make that yesterday . The cool/funny thing is they shot my arm up with a nerve block, so right no it's not like having my arm in a sling so much as it is more like a piece of dead meat.

                          I lean over to pick something up and it swings like a pendulum . I can hold stuff in my hand, but I have to use my other hand to close the fingers which inexplicably remain tight around the object until I release them using my other hand to pry them off.

                          VERY strange to see this with my eyes as I have no feeling in the hand

                          I think there's an upside to it though, If I jerk off withat hand it will feel like a complete and total stranger. YES!!!

                          Although I will have to use my other hand to close the fingers, and lift/drop the arm.....too much work and I really don't want to hurt myself if when I drop the arm, it might smoosh my balls.....not cool :lol.

                          OK its 2 in the morning, I'm gonna go try and sleep, but the oxy I'm on prolly won't allow it. Always does that to me....makes me mellow n happy, but keeps me awake.

                          Nonetheless, I'm gona go n try to get some shuteye....later on.

                          I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.


                          • #14
                            Here's to a speedy recovery!

