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Yngwie Cover Live!

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  • Yngwie Cover Live!

    Hey Guys,

    Here is a vid from a recent gig where my band pulled out a cover of "Evil Eye" by the one and only Yngwie J' Malmsteen. There are a few mistakes, but, hey Yngwie is a hard guy to recreate Haha!

    Here is another vid from that show of an original tune...

    The guitar I am using is a CS KV7 with a "Racer X Purple" finish! Ha!

    Thanks, Critique the hell out of them!

    Now back to practicing

  • #2
    Hey Jake, (FIRST!) sounded pretty awesome to me, bro! I love your King V, too! Reverse head FTW!

    Oh yeah 3:45 LOLOL
    Last edited by RacerX; 07-13-2010, 02:35 AM.
    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


    • #3
      Hehe awesome

      Even managed to get a Malmsteen kick in there towards the start

      Great playing and well executed arpeggios



      • #4
        Jake, if I hadn't seen the video I would have thought that was YJM. Good job!


        • #5
          Hey Guys!

          Thanks alot for checking out the video, It means alot!

          Take Care,



          • #6
            nice job bro....


            • #7
              I am a big Yngwie fan and you nailed it bro...
              Yesterday is history; tomorrow is a mystery; but today is a gift; that's why it is called the present.


              • #8
                First off I've seen some of your other video's and I think you're really good.

                But.. I'm not a big fan of this. A lot of the stuff sounded incorrect and it wasn't "tight". I think if you practiced getting those licks more in the pocket it would sound a lot more like Yngwie. If you look back to his old video's, he was just so precise with his timing and his licks never sounded rushed, just fast but in time! He had so much control over his playing it was beautiful!

                The song is not easy and I give you kudos for playing it!

       This is why he was the King...!
                Originally posted by horns666
                The only thing I choke during sex is, my chicken..especially when I wanna glaze my wife's buns.


                • #9
                  I give you alot of credit trying to pull off that song without a keyboard player.
                  A little advice.... next time pick a Yngwie song that doesn't have so much keyboards. There are a ton of them.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Jacksons Shred View Post
                    First off I've seen some of your other video's and I think you're really good.

                    But.. I'm not a big fan of this. A lot of the stuff sounded incorrect and it wasn't "tight". I think if you practiced getting those licks more in the pocket it would sound a lot more like Yngwie. If you look back to his old video's, he was just so precise with his timing and his licks never sounded rushed, just fast but in time! He had so much control over his playing it was beautiful!

                    The song is not easy and I give you kudos for playing it!

           This is why he was the King...!
                    Hey Jacksons Shred,

                    I really appreciated your opinion man, and I totally agree with you on all accounts. There are a ton of mistakes and it was really not a tight a performance. I learned most of the song by ear and my ear is nowhere near where I would like it to be. Looking back at the video alot of the notes are not accurate, and the solos were all improvisation (which you can tell Hahaha!) I recently just started focusing alot more on time in my practice, and playing in the "pocket." I practically live with the metronome!

                    Once again man I really respected your criticism, You are a sick guitarist!
                    In my opinion early Yngwie is the best playing of his career. "No Parole From Rock n Roll" and the first few solo releases are all gems!

                    Take Care man,



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Jake_Dreyer View Post
                      Hey Jacksons Shred,

                      I really appreciated your opinion man, and I totally agree with you on all accounts. There are a ton of mistakes and it was really not a tight a performance. I learned most of the song by ear and my ear is nowhere near where I would like it to be. Looking back at the video alot of the notes are not accurate, and the solos were all improvisation (which you can tell Hahaha!) I recently just started focusing alot more on time in my practice, and playing in the "pocket." I practically live with the metronome!

                      Once again man I really respected your criticism, You are a sick guitarist!
                      In my opinion early Yngwie is the best playing of his career. "No Parole From Rock n Roll" and the first few solo releases are all gems!

                      Take Care man,

                      I agree that the early Yngwie albums are killer. If you already noticed your blemishes and are working on them I guarentee your next performance will be 1000x better. Take into consideration though, that Yngwie has a very distinctive way of playing things. Every note had value (on the older albums) and his sense of pitch was phenomenal. Even his fast playing had tons of dynamics. Keep me posted with your video's man, you're a great guitarist already, keep practicing dude!
                      Originally posted by horns666
                      The only thing I choke during sex is, my chicken..especially when I wanna glaze my wife's buns.

