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recording software question... Nuendo?

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  • recording software question... Nuendo?

    anyone use nuendo?

    i've recently been given some old master discs that are .npr file format. no, it's not national public radio, but i believe that they were recorded with a program called nuendo.

    anyone have this program? i don't plan on recording anything with that program, but i'll at least need it to open the files so i can convert them to another format.

    make sense? i thought not! but hopefully someone out there knows....

    Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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  • #2
    Re: recording software question... Nuendo?

    MMM kazzaa mate

    i used to have it in the days before the software ind closed down all the audio warez sites-but Kazzaa might have it(download Kazzaa lite if you can find it on google-has no spyware)


    • #3
      Re: recording software question... Nuendo?

      i was able to DL it on a prog called acquisition (mac version of kazaa), and i got a serial, but apparently you need a whole bunch of other stuff to get it going. as it is right now, it crashes when initialized. ugh.
      Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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      • #4
        Re: recording software question... Nuendo?

        nuendo is the high end version of cubase...designed to do both video and audio together seamlessly...well, sort of.

        it's possible you could get a version of cubase that will allow you to open nuendo files...Cubase SX 2 is built on the nuendo engine....


        • #5
          Re: recording software question... Nuendo?

          Sully, you can send me your nuendo projects and i can convert it and send it back to you.

          [email protected] (just remove the NOSPAM text before you send the mail)
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          • #6
            Re: recording software question... Nuendo?

            oh, NICE! i can't imagine i'd be so lucky and that you could convert it to a garage band file (.band), but even if you could convert the tracks to mp3s, that'd rule!

            how funny.... i just put the discs in my mac, and most of them are .wav files! SWEEEEET. however, there is an .npr file that i've emailed you.
            Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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