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Vid of me Wankin

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  • Vid of me Wankin

    Not like that ya fuggin perverts (that vid will cost you 2.99 )

    Anyway ,and the bassist was dickin around with the camera last night at the jamm room as we were cue-ing shit up while i was twangin, and i figured what the hell ,its been a LOOOONG time since i posted anything, so here is a little vid of me raping my Warrior a little ,,but don't cry for her, she likes it and i did give her a little kiss and pat on the bottom before putting her to bed

    "It's because the speed of light is superior to the speed of sound that so many people look shiny before they actually sound stupid"

    "All pleasure comes at someone Else's expense"

    The internet is where, The men are men, the women are men, and the children are FBI agents.

  • #2
    sounds good... clean, nice tone, good work. what program did you use to record?
    Guitars... Rhoads RX10D
    Amp... Pioneer
    Effects... Boss ME-20


    • #3
      Fast fingers man!
      Charvel 7308 (TMZ 008), Charvel Pro-mod (yellow), Jackson Soloist Custom (Yellow), Jackson SL2H-V Natural, Gibson LPS DB, Gibson LPS EB, Gibson LPCC C, Charvel Model 2 (scalloped), Jackson DK2M (white), Charvel Journeyman, Fender Classic Player 60's strat, Carvin C66, Musikraft strat mutt, Warmoth Strat mutt, Fender MIM Jazz bass, Epiphone Classical, Takamine parlor. Marshall 2203, Marshall JVM 210H, Splawn Nitro, Fender Supersonic 22, Line 6 AX2 212, Marshall 4X12.


      • #4
        Awesome stuff dude, thats how they're meant to be played!


        • #5
          Thanks guys
          I'm starting to get my shit back together( I think ) as i have been slackin the last year or so, due to the fact that i haven't been able to find the right people for my project, in the last few years I've been through 15 drummers( all the good ones are taken or just don't exist here in ALABAMAHELL) But,,I've been loosely jamming in this prog band as the stunt guy for about 2 years give or take, but have become more solid over the last couple of months and I'm starting to get inspired again since their shit is starting to come together now that they have found a singer and are working him in. I'd STILLLL like to have my shit up and moshin,, but this is a cool little project.

          Originally posted by dk2magic View Post
          sounds good... clean, nice tone, good work. what program did you use to record?
          The vid? don't know,, its whatever the bassists camera(i know its a cannon) uses i guess.

          As for the music,,(for this band) We all use Cakewalk Sonar 7 on our own rigs so when one of us does something we can bring it to anyone else's place and it can be run. Which is cool cause sometimes someone cant make it or are sick or just have a great idea in the middle of the night and we just upload tracks or complete projects and the others can just download it to their rig and work.
          Here is mine ,,

          I'm a proud papa of this rig and room,, as i built it all myself and it took 9 weeks of everyday slaving after work and all day and most of the nights on the weekends and i still have a little left to do (Wood slats go on the slanted side units).

          I might start mixing the first song of the bands EP later today if i can get motivated

          You can hear a rough, unprocessed, loosely mixed version of a tune named "THE CALL" that the other guitarist(BILL) did and put up on the myspace page

          we both play rhythm ,Bill has the first solo, and I have the second and last solo. the drummer has to re-track some stuff and a few more vocal things then i'll mix this one also.

          Thanks for tuning in

          MOSH ON
          "It's because the speed of light is superior to the speed of sound that so many people look shiny before they actually sound stupid"

          "All pleasure comes at someone Else's expense"

          The internet is where, The men are men, the women are men, and the children are FBI agents.


          • #6
            way cool, Moshman Dave. Particularly your MySpace clip. I can listen to that shit all day. Reminds me a bit of Demons & Wizards. Oh, and I've always loved a nutso outro solo, so well done there too. That's the sort of stuff that gets you turning up the volume as the song fades out

            but in the absence of the use of that site's video hosting, this video needs some YouTube style comments:
            • "clearly fake. I've been playing guitar for 6 weeks now and that has to be sped up"
            • "yea dude, you can tell it's fake. You can hear drums & bass in the background"
            • "that was shit. Check out my videos"
            • "sure it was fast, but Clapton can say more with one note"
            • "Slayer roxors! That was Raining in Blood, right?"
            • "Who do you think you are? Jason Becker could play that with one hand tied behind his back"
            • "Nice chops, dude. How can I get that sound with my MG15 & a Metalzone?"
            Hail yesterday


            • #7
              Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
              way cool, Moshman Dave. Particularly your MySpace clip. I can listen to that shit all day. Reminds me a bit of Demons & Wizards. Oh, and I've always loved a nutso outro solo, so well done there too. That's the sort of stuff that gets you turning up the volume as the song fades out

              but in the absence of the use of that site's video hosting, this video needs some YouTube style comments:
              • "clearly fake. I've been playing guitar for 6 weeks now and that has to be sped up"
              • "yea dude, you can tell it's fake. You can hear drums & bass in the background"
              • "that was shit. Check out my videos"
              • "sure it was fast, but Clapton can say more with one note"
              • "Slayer roxors! That was Raining in Blood, right?"
              • "Who do you think you are? Jason Becker could play that with one hand tied behind his back"
              • "Nice chops, dude. How can I get that sound with my MG15 & a Metalzone?"

              Thanks for the comps G
              and I hope the hand is on its way to a speedy recovery bro

              Its funny that you mention that about the outro solo it was supposed to just get to the end and go out with some chords but we thought it sounds better with the ole' Ozzy and Randy fade where(just like you said) ya got to keep turning it up to hear whats going on.

              Old school baby

              the spot where i do the middle solo was orig. slated to have words but they got so used to hearing me solo there that they couldn't hear the song the same without it so it stuck, its just where I "FELT IT" ya know ?
              and the sweeps toward the end are a little tricky if I'm not fully warmed up.
              One of these days I'll get around to posting some of the other stuff I've been working on

              MOSH ON
              "It's because the speed of light is superior to the speed of sound that so many people look shiny before they actually sound stupid"

              "All pleasure comes at someone Else's expense"

              The internet is where, The men are men, the women are men, and the children are FBI agents.

