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Jcf, I Need Lyrics!!!

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  • Jcf, I Need Lyrics!!!

    I have a good inspiration for a song............

    Here's is the music

    I want to do a Heaven/Hell theme. Possibly the struggle of believing in God? Possibly a description of the Rapture, Im not sure............

    1st chorus starts at 45 seconds, ends at 1:05...........

    First bridge 1:05 to 1:17

    and the chorus is 1:20 to 1:40 or whatever.....

    I already have some stuff wirtten down, but I am curious if anyone would like to offer some input. I think the music is fairly sound, so if you have any good lines for this "collaboration regarding to the above themes, write em down, Ill use em ......... Full credit will be given, and if I get the same response from the last ones I did, will hopefully get over 1000 unique visitors!

  • #2
    Listen to some Edguy or Avantasia for ideas like that


    • #3
      I'm writing something. I'll let you know when it's complete.I hope it doesn't turn out lame
      I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


      • #4
        Well, it turned out pretty lame, but Heven&Hell themes always come out lame

        So here's the link to the notepad file. And If you like it, I can do the vocals

        I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


        • #5
          Heck Norton, thats not lame, the fact that you did that is damn cool.

          Some of the lines are great, and I am going to make them work in the song.

          Much appreciated, if you have any revisions, how about you jsut send them to my email at [email protected] It's a lot simpler, and I really appreciate your input!


          • #6
            Alright, no problem
            I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


            • #7

              More of a conceptual thing... not lyrics, but maybe it will lead to a unique thought or two...

              How about the idea that we are living in hell, and in order to move on (to heaven, or something closer), we must overcome specific challenges in this life, or are forced to repeat.

              Repeat the pain of having your heart ripped out, torn to shreds, stepped on, left for dead... kinda thing?

              You might even be able to weave in a video game (multiple life) idea... you get the privilege of going back and doing it again... maybe you die again in the same spot 4 times before you get smart enough to jump that hurdle, and move on to the next one.

              Think groundhog day!

              Just a thought.
              "Wow,... that was some of the hardest rockin ever. Hardest to listen too."

