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u want to hear me play? here it is...

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  • u want to hear me play? here it is...

    no shredding tho...

    I just got to canada last september and didn't take any of my guitars with me (they're cheap crap anyway... I had a 200 USD les paul copy... yes.. literally... my first and only electric)

    so I got here and bought a godin A6 USA made. (I was absolutely shocked when I found out the final price... didn't know about the 15% tax damnit!). its a thin body acoustic with piezos, designed to sound like an acoustic when plugged in. It does have an ok sound unplugged tho ( especially when I play in the staircase).

    so anyway.. I went for 6 months without playing an electric guitar... so cut me some slack when I post my electric stuff.

    meanwhile, during these 6 months I've been playing acoustic stuff, mainly classical music and some other easy shit to please ppl... (they think im good.. just wait till I get my kelly...)

    so I've basically been playing with classical pieces for 6 months.. I don't have the proper right hand fingering technique... sometimes I do fingerstyle, sometimes I use one nail like a pick...., and if the godin weren't that easy to play my lefthand tendons wouldn't have held thru one single piece...

    anyway.. here it is.. Im aware of my playing deficiencies but ur more than welcome to give criticisms.

    but ****PLEASE read my post over before offering criticism.*******

    oh.. and I learnt it from a tab since I never recieved proper training, and read scores slowly... and I did not ever practice with the metronome. so timing is a big problem I know..

    and the guitar has fret buzz on the high E string.. u can hear it clearly in some notes. damn the dry weather!

    this is one of the easier solo guitar pieces of bach I believe, so here goes:

    BWV1009 cello suite prelude

  • #2
    Re: u want to hear me play? here it is...

    forgot to mention a few things...

    I still get nervous whe I record myself.. newbie.. yes..

    and recording didn't go very well at all. I tried to record acoustically in the starcase first.. ppl were coming nto talk to me and distracting me... and the sound wasn't very good.. low quality mic.

    so I came into my room and plugged the guitar directly into comp, with no effects at all..

    the thing is.. the jack converter that converts the small headphone jack into the big guitar jack doesn't work when jacked into my guitar... frustrating...

    I came up with a solution (unscrew the jack of my regular guitar chord, take the line connecting to the computer, and physically hold the connection down against the floor with one foot constantly. [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img] ) very distracting and annoying..

    why is the converter jack shape different from the regular guitar jacks.... [img]graemlins/brow.gif[/img]


    • #3
      Re: u want to hear me play? here it is...

      Cool [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


      • #4
        Re: u want to hear me play? here it is...

        Thats cool.

        But less of the excuses about why it may not sound like you will take over Mr P. in 2 years. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


        • #5
          Re: u want to hear me play? here it is...

          Sounds excellent dude! [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


          • #6
            Re: u want to hear me play? here it is...

            thanks for the feedback guys [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

            ya sorry about the excuses... cuz I know its not up to par if I wanna surpass JP, and if I didn't include them I'd be swarmed to death! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
            [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] . Wouldn't have posted all those BS if I didn't stupidly claim to stomp JP LOL.... sorry bout that,

            damn I really need to get that fret buzz fixed.. its really killing the high E's tone...


            • #7
              Re: u want to hear me play? here it is...

              Sounds good, but I think Petrucci is still safe for at least the next 7 or 8 years!
              My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.


              • #8
                Re: u want to hear me play? here it is...

                I don;t think its safe to estimate the time until u hear the shreddin! [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]


                • #9
                  Re: u want to hear me play? here it is...

                  See, there ya go again! [img]graemlins/poke.gif[/img]

                  It DOES sound good, but there are enough clams in there to show that you don't have it mastered yet. You obviously have real talent; why not focus on that and prove something that way? I'm sure you can shred too, but you gain nothing by saying you'll stomp another player by such-and-such a date. Don't forget, HE will still be progressing too. The world already has too many guitarists with bad attitudes; don't just be another one.
                  Ron is the MAN!!!!


                  • #10
                    Re: u want to hear me play? here it is...

                    [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] thanks lerxstcat, I really appreciate ur feedback, and I really respect you for that especially since we were mocking each other like crazy before. funny but a lot of my closest friendships started with fights like that [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] and then we both realize each other as great ppl (or at least I realize they're great ppl [img]images/icons/confused.gif[/img] )..

                    no I obviously haven't mastered it at all.. not even close. to play like segovia/williams/ julain bream would take decades if ever..

                    it IS still challenging for me, and its quite a bit easier than the other pieces im working on.. but u should take my word for it that I couldn't even play the intro 4 months ago, and I recorded that piece a month ago..

                    just hammering out those clams and feeling the pieces.. they are SIMPLY amazing.. bach was an absolute genius..

                    [ March 15, 2004, 07:13 PM: Message edited by: mt ]


                    • #11
                      Re: u want to hear me play? here it is...

                      Yes he was; he made the musical establishment crap their pants 400 years ago, and still has that effect on new musicians! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                      It's cool, people are attached to the musicians they admire. It's sort of like a friend, though not one you know personally, and I like Petrucci myself, so I took it a bit personally. In the vernacular, saying "What's so good?..." implies that that thing ISN'T good, but bad. You aparently didn't mean it quite that way, but as you saw, a lot of people took it that way.

                      I too have met a lot of folks at JCF who I first argued with, but got to respect and like as I came to know them, so after griping at you, let me say Welcome to the JCF! [img]graemlins/toast.gif[/img]


                      Ron is the MAN!!!!


                      • #12
                        Re: u want to hear me play? here it is...

                        haha yes. but its interesting.. first time I heard jazz I was thinking "WTF is this shit", first time I heard symphonyX I was: " what the hell they suck!". first time I heard bach I was like "ok... doesn't make sense at all"... so who knows? maybe in a little while I'll be a diehard DT fan. I was really open to that idea, and was wondering why it wasn't happening, so I decided to create this.. disastrous thread LOL..

                        the only exception to this rule was yngwie.. I was worshipping metallica and never heard any guitarist do that.

                        Thank you! [img]graemlins/toast.gif[/img]
                        I'm truly sorry that I offended u, it wasn't intentional in the beginning, and the stomping stuff was me being really stupid ( I really meant it in pure technical terms.. just to clarify, but ya its still stupid) and impulsive, and later it's some misunderstandings.

                        I was oblivious to the fact that "what's so good about... " implied that "he's not good at all". I knew it could carry that meaning but I didn't know that implication was so definate... sorry! I should have been more careful,, now I've learnt my lesson.

                        lastly, as polite japanese ppl would say when they greet, douzo yoroshiku onegaishmas (bow)! "correct (my wrongs) me please!"

                        (my japanese is not too good. if u know a more precise translation.. correct me please...)


                        • #13
                          Re: u want to hear me play? here it is...

                          excellent. your soundfile is out of phase though.
                          I made a rock n roll sin when I tried giving in to make money, had to turn down low.


                          • #14
                            Re: u want to hear me play? here it is...

                            Mm? What do you mean out of phase?

                            Like overdrived a little? I feel like it was overdrived a little... I need to work with some volume settings there...


                            • #15
                              Re: u want to hear me play? here it is...

                              i think it is 90 degrees out of phase.

                              by out of phase I mean one channel is reversed, but it sounds like 90 degrees, so perhaps check your mixer settings or something.
                              I made a rock n roll sin when I tried giving in to make money, had to turn down low.

