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New Song - "At Your Own Risk"

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  • New Song - "At Your Own Risk"

    Hey All,

    I recorded this short song on my Jackson MIJ Dinky Reverse Professional.
    Replaced the stock bridge pickup with a Tonerider Generator.
    Mastered with Soundforge 9.0. Hope you like it!

  • #2
    Sounds like Motley Crue. I'm not too keen on the rythm tone - it sounds a bit too compressed. The lead tone is also a wee bit too compressed but without using a real amp and mic to record I suppose it's hard to get a sound like you want.
    I really liked it!
    If it was a bit faster, just a bit, and had some vocals, you could flesh this out to a decent song!



    • #3
      Originally posted by MartinBarre1 View Post
      Sounds like Motley Crue. !

      +1 the backing track completly made me think of crue as well , I enjoyed the solo .
      Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


      • #4
        I really liked it...clean, solid, and head-bobbing good

        Martin, seems you like to leave everyone less-than-favorable feedback. Going to look for some of your MP3s...they must be good.


        • #5
          Originally posted by MarkThomas View Post
          I really liked it...clean, solid, and head-bobbing good

          Martin, seems you like to leave everyone less-than-favorable feedback. Going to look for some of your MP3s...they must be good.
          WTF are you on about? I don't give "less than favourable" feedback - I try to be honest. What d'you want me to do, tell everyone they have great tone when I don't think they do? Did you fucking miss this line in my feedback here: "I really liked it! "

          I'm not as good a player as most of the guys on here, but I try to leave them feedback that I hope will help them improve the sound of their stuff. That's the whole fuckin' point of this.
          Last edited by MartinBarre; 08-24-2008, 05:23 AM.



          • #6
            I like it


            • #7
              Thanks for the comments, everyone!

              I actually recorded that from my Roland Cube with a Shure SM-57. I really love my "new" Jackson Dinky Reverse Professional !!

