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  • Lessons?

    Ok, about 10 years ago, I started playing the bass and guitar. Nowadays, I mostly play guitar, and I know I'm not that good. I'm all self taught. I declined lessons for so long, because I didn't want to be one of those players that just play different scales or modes. I never bothered to learn them. I've pretty much only jammed with other people once or twice a year. The last few times, I felt embarassed to be in the same room with them. So I've taken the plunge and finally began lessons. I feel fairly comfortable with my rhythm, but I am totally clueless on leads. How to start one and whatnot. Hopefully these 80 dollars a month lessons will improve my skill to where I want it to be. I've been told I'm a fast learner. After only one lesson, I am begining to see this is what I needed.
    However it is weird having someone about my age or younger teaching me elemetary scales. But he seems pretty competent. He's a shredder, so I can tell he knows what he's doing. Having a degree in music and music theory is a plus as well. So here goes to taking the plunge.

  • #2
    You may check out Troy Stetina's book Fretboard Mastery to supplement your lessons if you are going to be learning theory.


    • #3
      All of Frank Gambales instructional stuff is worth checking out as well, expecially his "modes no more Mystery" DVD.
      If this is our perdition, will you walk with me?

