My picking technique has always been neanderthal-esque for me- primitive and without refinement or real skill
However, my tremolo picking was always half decent. Until... 4 or so years ago I decided, "Fuck it! I'm gonna get better with the picking and I practiced to be more precise and expressive with my picking. I will say it has definitely improved but not to the extent that I'd hold it up for anyone to critique- but it's better. Oddly enough, my tremolo picking has suffered as a result- not so much on other strings but on the low e in particular. It drives me nucking futs! Anyone else run into this?
One change in my picks could be a possible reason- I went from medium Fenders to Grave Pickers (yeah, I know- kinda cheesy but I like them actually) to Dunlop Jazz III's which are hard as nails, smaller and have sharper tips. They are not very forgiving but I started using them as a way of forcing my right hand to be a little more precise.
So, any suggestions in addition to woodshedding for hours trying to bring it back to speed?

One change in my picks could be a possible reason- I went from medium Fenders to Grave Pickers (yeah, I know- kinda cheesy but I like them actually) to Dunlop Jazz III's which are hard as nails, smaller and have sharper tips. They are not very forgiving but I started using them as a way of forcing my right hand to be a little more precise.
So, any suggestions in addition to woodshedding for hours trying to bring it back to speed?