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Help improving speed and accuracy

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  • Originally posted by blackhatch View Post
    What i have learned and playing too slow is this song http://youtu.be/Bbm_qYYBvS8 full tab here http://www.tabsheaven.net/data/28609.gp4
    amazing song im playing it at 70bpm
    Awesome tune! Bach rocks! Thanks for sharing.
    JB aka BenoA

    Clips and other tunes by BenoA / My Soundcloud page / My YouTube page
    Guitar And Sound (GAS) forum / Boss Katana Amps FB group


    • Yep - Bach in Black! (Sorry...)

      Hey Whoopu2, if that comment was aimed at me, then thanks very much!
      My other signature says something funny


      • Originally posted by Cliff View Post
        Yep - Bach in Black! (Sorry...)

        Hey Whoopu2, if that comment was aimed at me, then thanks very much!
        hey 132 bpm is actually fast, i couldnt play it faster than 110~ but you are not the only one who is improving, i am improving my internal dictionary..


        • Don't forget to post a vid of your progress!
          132 was my target speed, but to be honest I can't hit it consistently. At best I've maybe played it at that speed with only a couple of mistakes.
          My other signature says something funny


          • Hey guys,

            Here's my latest progress. (Pretty sure I *am* making progress, but it's still sloppy I'm afraid. Unlike Van Halen, when I fall down the stairs, I don't land on my feet). Let me know what you think:

            My other signature says something funny


            • Originally posted by Cliff View Post
              Hey guys,

              Here's my latest progress. (Pretty sure I *am* making progress, but it's still sloppy I'm afraid. Unlike Van Halen, when I fall down the stairs, I don't land on my feet). Let me know what you think:

              it seems like you are progressing , keep doing it you need at least 2 year of practicing to do it right, you dont have to practice "flight of the bumblee" as your unique exercise... im sure you could do other stuff very well. Good luck with your shredding and consider to play it with 4 fingers scales..dont mix 1 note in 1 string and play 3 in another string when you can play 4 notes in 1 string, i dont know if anyone could understand me but try to economize all the time!!


              • Thanks for the feedback Blackhatch. If you've only being practicing for two years, I'm seriously impressed! And don't worry: you express yourself very clearly.
                My other signature says something funny


                • Originally posted by Cliff View Post
                  Thanks for the feedback Blackhatch. If you've only being practicing for two years, I'm seriously impressed! And don't worry: you express yourself very clearly.
                  nope, i have been practicing for 4 1/2 you can check my videos here, not too much impressive but these are the only cover on youtube, that make me proud ahah shit
                  hey i only use google translator to check my orthography, i'm progressing too !!!


                  • I knew a piano player when I was still in school. Grade 8 classical+ or something since he was 5. He could sing too really well so he knew how to musically keep his shit together in his head. He started playing guitar and within 6 months to a year he was all over the board, I mean widdly widdly, picking every note, outstanding cleaness, co-ordination and efficiency. I was jealous as hell. He said to me; 'Yeah but I hate this, it doesn't count for shit, I want to play the blues'. He still used to stare at me playing with his jaw dropped which I never could understand. It took him another good ten years to learn the bluesy stuff and pull it off well. I kind of understand where he was coming from now though. Its a whole different thing. Even playing a valve amp is a whole different thing. Fuck he was talented though. Grrrrr. But that is what you get if you start at 5, have music in the household and stick at it. Forget playing the most important advantage you have is having a developed ear for timing, phrasing, melody, pitch and tone when your brain is still a sponge. Its effortless. Try learning to swim in your twenties when you've never seen water before, its damn near impossible, although we are all supposed to float, its is pretty hard to do!
                    You can't really be jealous of something you can't fathom.


                    • And coordination. I'll bet it's easier to learn muscle memory when you're younger too. Anyway, I aim to prove that you can teach an old dog new tricks (admittedly, that last vid I posted was nasty, though - I'm kind of embarrassed now.)
                      My other signature says something funny


                      • Benoa, Blackhatch - anything to report on Flight?

                        For myself, I realised how poorly I was playing and have gone back to playing more slowly again. I'd thought all my problems were with the right hand, but (as someone already mentioned earlier in the thread), I have problems with my left too. I've been spending some more time with the legato exercises in Troy's book, as well as some of the more basic picking exercises, but this time trying include string damping. I think I can play Flight better than I recorded above, but I'm not quite ready to record it again and disillusion myself .

                        I saw Van Halen a few weeks ago at Oakland (one of my all-time heros, and the first time I've seen him), so after that I've spent a fair amount of time having fun with whammy bar dives and pinched harmonics. That's what it's really all about, right?
                        My other signature says something funny


                        • Nothing to say on my side Cliff.

                          Had some band drama after 2 gigs on June 8th and 9th and it made me took a break from guitar for like 12 days. The solution was kicking the drummer out.

                          And I also stayed away from this forum for too long... I'm like 16 pages of new posts since my last visit...

                          At least some good news, we're auditioning 2 interesting drummers tomorrow evening and I feel like picking up the guitar again! Rock on!!!

                          Originally posted by Cliff View Post
                          I saw Van Halen a few weeks ago at Oakland (one of my all-time heros, and the first time I've seen him), so after that I've spent a fair amount of time having fun with whammy bar dives and pinched harmonics. That's what it's really all about, right?
                          I hear ya! Having fun is the key!

                          I'll be seeing Iron Maiden with my son on July 11th and I already know how I will feel when I'll be back from the show.
                          JB aka BenoA

                          Clips and other tunes by BenoA / My Soundcloud page / My YouTube page
                          Guitar And Sound (GAS) forum / Boss Katana Amps FB group


                          • Sorry to hear about your drummer - good look with the auditions!
                            My other signature says something funny


                            • Man, don't worry about him, I should have kicked him way way before.

                              The whole issue was over a pair of XLR cables (40$) I bought 30 min before the show so we could have sound at the venue... But that story would make a nice "off-topic" thread.
                              JB aka BenoA

                              Clips and other tunes by BenoA / My Soundcloud page / My YouTube page
                              Guitar And Sound (GAS) forum / Boss Katana Amps FB group


                              • I meant to say: "sorry to hear your drummer was causing drama and had to be given the boot".

                                Enjoy Maiden, and keep on rocking.
                                My other signature says something funny

