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I made a little progress today (post-stroke)

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  • I made a little progress today (post-stroke)

    I figured this is pretty much the only place on the internet anyone would possibly care, and its 12:30am, so I can't call anyone. I'm just so happy, I have to tell someone.

    I had a stroke back in June that left my left side pretty much useless as far as fine motor skills are concerned. After a couple weeks I could run and drive and do normal things again, but guitar was not among the things I could do. Imagine being outside in a snowstorm for an hour with no gloves, that is how uncoordinated my left hand has been.

    I've played drums for 14 years now, and while that is a little more on the banging side, I've done that to keep the musical itch somewhat satisfied, although I'm very sloppy now. A month ago or so a therapist measured my hand strength at 170lbs right side 100lbs left side, then gave me a grip strengthener and told me to go to town. I loaded it up with all the bands (weight) possible and have been doing it a bunch at work. I am starting to see the results in guitar playing.

    This will sound so stupid to everyone who hasn't had to recover from an injury to their left hand, but tonight I was able to play a barre chord on an acoustic since June (stroke time). It took some time to get my fingers situated right, but I could play them. I could fumble through the riffage of No Remorse by Metallica and could play the slow Master of Puppets solo at about 1/2 speed. I played the intro to Maiden's paschendale as if nothing had happened. Shook me All Night Long was decent (and for how much/fast chord changing you have to do, that was very encouraging). My acoustic version of Breaking the Law came out at about 60%, which is way better than before. I could go on and on about all these tiny little accomplishments, but its hard to type and most people probably don't care anyway.

    There have been times I've looked at all my guitars and though I should just sell them because nothing is progressing..... I looked at them with a smile tonight for the first time in awhile.

  • #2
    Well, i am happy as hell for you. Things like that have been weighing on my mind as of late, i'm realizng i'm getting older. I feel pain in my body and especially hands now i never did before. I look at my moms hands and they are in bad shape. I'm shitting bricks that in 10 years my hands could look like that, there many things she used to do like paint and play piano that she just can't do anymore. I terrifies me. I am so glad for you dude, Never quit and all the best.


    • #3
      Reading this I realize how many things we take for granted and how quickly they can be taken away. It's great to see that you haven't given up and your love for music continues to push you forward. Keep pushing ahead. Thanks for sharing, it made my day a little better.


      • #4
        Congrats. Hope you keep getting better. I think you play better than me already.


        • #5
          Just keep at it and never give up. I suffered from TIA strokes after a heart attack, and eventually recovered almost 4 years later, although I will never be able to play like I used to, its good enough for me and the folks I jam with. My doctors told me playing guitar will help with the brain's hand/eye co-ordination.
          We will know for the first time...
          If we are evil or divine...
          We are the last in line...RJD RIP


          • #6
            Fucking Ace!!!!

            Sounds like a one long hard slog though.

            Keep sticking at it, you have one advantage, you are human, your brain can and will find and make other neutral networks and connections. Who knows, in ten years maybe you'll sound more like George Lynch than Adrian Smith.

            Easy to say but fuck, I couldn't even begin to imagine the torture you have been through looking at those guitars with what is effectively a defunct arm and leg and a frozen hand. But seriously 3 months is nothing, if you can already barre a chord, then either your will or your brain or both are strong and perhaps the damage wasn't as bad and long term as it might have been. Things are looking up! Fuck three months, It takes me longer than that to piss at the end of Friday night. Give it two or four years and you will be right as rain. yeah baby.

            The thing that gets me though....does your left testicle still work? Seriously? I always wonder about shit like that, hell we are all human, might happen to me next, although hope not, I just wonder about shit like that sometimes yer know.
            You can't really be jealous of something you can't fathom.


            • #7

              I'm glad to here that! It sounds your well on your way to recovery and it's awesome that you still have that passion for music. I love that feeling of playing for hours and it only feels like minutes, because you've just discovered a new sound, riff or lick.
              Jackson ke3 kelly trans blue
              Jackson Dk2m bengal with emg 81/85


              • #8
                Thanks guys. My 88ish USA soloist was getting pretty close to the classifieds.

                Just gotta keep working at it!

                One crazy thing I'm finding is that ther are a lot of songs I didn't know in my brain, it was just muscle memory. I can't remember how to play a lot of stuff, so that has to be the answer since my brain is "fine"


                • #9

                  Outstanding man. Glad to hear your getting it back. Keep up the good fight

                  "It's because the speed of light is superior to the speed of sound that so many people look shiny before they actually sound stupid"

                  "All pleasure comes at someone Else's expense"

                  The internet is where, The men are men, the women are men, and the children are FBI agents.


                  • #10
                    Good news man glad to hear you are doing better.
                    I know all about losing your chops due to medical reasons been there done that.
                    Keep it up and it will come back to you.
                    Really? well screw Mark Twain.


                    • #11
                      There are many of us that know the struggle, but I definitely do not know it the same way you do. I am extremely happy for you man, I know exactly what it feels like to start coming back from the dead.. But dont do what I did and go ape shit nuts buying new gear lol
                      Haters gonna hate
                      Dilluting the brand one MUTT at a time.


                      • #12
                        This is absolutely outstanding. Keep pushing on, one note at a time. Cant wait to hear more.
                        I want a guitar made of ALL abalone. That would be badass. All shellfish should die for my shreddage delight.

                        Guitar Guy 22345762.9 is from Subway.


                        • #13
                          My uncle also had a stroke back in June. He's made a lot of progress but still can't speak well at all and has almost no control over his right arm. Sounds like you're making one hell of a recovery, keep at it!


                          • #14
                            Yeah, I was really lucky that the effects didn't really last. I couldn't move my arm/leg or anything while it was happening, but after, I started recovering pretty quickly.

                            Sorry to hear about your uncle. I feel for him


                            • #15
                              Congrats, that's an incredible recovery, keep pushing!

                              For the record, stroke or not, i can't play half of the shit you mentioned.
                              It's all about the blues-rock chatter.

                              Originally posted by RD
                     now I have this massive empty house with my Harley, Guns, Guitar and nothing else...

