so I have never changed out strings based on tuning before, but since I have 20 some odd guitars I figured I might as well setup a couple for specific tunings (wow, novel idea... [/sarcasm] )
Since I have never actually done this before I was curious if I should switch up to something like 12-54 (Or if there's something heavier, then that?)
I know I won't get away from all of the floppy but, curious if changing up would make any difference. (you'd think after playing 34 years I'd have figured this out by now..)
so I have never changed out strings based on tuning before, but since I have 20 some odd guitars I figured I might as well setup a couple for specific tunings (wow, novel idea... [/sarcasm] )
Since I have never actually done this before I was curious if I should switch up to something like 12-54 (Or if there's something heavier, then that?)
I know I won't get away from all of the floppy but, curious if changing up would make any difference. (you'd think after playing 34 years I'd have figured this out by now..)