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question finger placement and trills.

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  • question finger placement and trills.

    I have a question about said topic. The following is a picture of my fingering when I normally play...
    I tend to keep my thumb centered behind the neck. My question is would it be easier to do a trill if I placed my thumb higher up on the neck like this?

    If one way is easier than the other, I have a question about how to improve trill speed... basically, how can I improve the speed in my 3rd and 4th fingers? I noticed in the first pic that my 3rd and 4th fingers are not as naturally curved when they hit the fretboard compared to the first two... is there a particular reason for that? If so, how can I fix that and what are some things I can do to increase general trill speed? Thanks.
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    The path of salvation made clear for the prodigal human race

  • #2
    Re: question finger placement and trills.

    Anyone have any ideas? [img]/images/graemlins/help.gif[/img]
    Light intervened, annihliating darkness.
    The path of salvation made clear for the prodigal human race


    • #3
      Re: question finger placement and trills.

      When I do fast runs or trills, I tend to keep my thumb in the center of the neck and I keep a "light grip" so it can flow. I hope that helps.


      • #4
        Re: question finger placement and trills.

        If those pics are of how your hand is, looks fine to me. I've been teaching guitar for 15 years or so. What I've noticed is if you want to increase speed, don't play any faster than your hands will let you. Way too many people just move both hands fast and they are out of time with each other. This creates the "slop chop". If the lick in question is left hand only, the same still applies. Never try to play faster than your hands can go cleanly. As for your fingers not being curved, You may need to go a little extra slow to keep an eye on them as to keep them curved.

        Developing speed is something that takes "FOREVER" At least thats how if felt for me. I used to take the lick I needed faster and record me playing it as fast as I could while still being clean. I would then speed the tape up equal to a half step. I would play the lick up higher and try to be as clean as the tape. (I wasn't)

        It took a long time to develop my speed. I don't know how long you've been playing, but it does seem to take "FOREVER". I think it's mostly patience and mad hours of playing. I hope this helps you in some way.


        • #5
          Re: question finger placement and trills.

          Yes it helps. Thanks to both of you for your input. After a while of playing, I went and switched guitars. I found it made playing trills easier to do when I played a guitar with a thinner neck. It also allowed me to access the frets with more of the natural curve of my fingers. With that out of the way, it is just a matter of practicing and building speed. Thanks again for your guys' input. [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]
          Light intervened, annihliating darkness.
          The path of salvation made clear for the prodigal human race

