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having trouble hitting pinch harmonics

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  • having trouble hitting pinch harmonics the upper register, on the high e and b strings

    any tips? any certain way i should set up my neck to make this easier?

  • #2
    Re: having trouble hitting pinch harmonics

    things i noticed that can help to get the pinchs better:
    higer action, fatter strings, more mids at the amp, fix bridge
    dunno if that works in your case


    • #3
      Re: having trouble hitting pinch harmonics

      It is definitely harder to get them on the higher strings especially on the upper frets.

      No magic answers me thinks. Practice them. Stretch the string as you hit them. This works for me.

      Also a different amp setting as mentioned. Experiment with the mids.
      PLAY TILL U DIE !!!


      • #4
        Re: having trouble hitting pinch harmonics

        I was going to start a thread about pinch (or pick) harmonics because I do them a little differently. But now I can just post here! I know the "correct" way is to use the fleshy part of your thumb in combination with the pick (assuming you hold the pick with your thumb and index finger). That never worked too well for me, so I just came up with my own way which is to use the nail of my middle finger, instead of the side of my thumb, in combination with the pick. Harmonics just SCREAM out using this method. Give it a try and let me know.

        BTW - does anyone else do pick harmonics this way?
        Unleash the fury.....Texas style!


        • #5
          Re: having trouble hitting pinch harmonics

          I've never tried that... do you have to keep the nail long?


          • #6
            Re: having trouble hitting pinch harmonics

            The "conventional" explanation is to use the fleshy part of the thumb, and this is correct. However, my way of explaining it is to just "tighten up" on the pick. That's how I do them.

            Here's an example with lots of pick squeals:

            O Christmas Tree Meets Iron Maiden
            Member - National Sarcasm Society

            "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."


            • #7
              Re: having trouble hitting pinch harmonics

              [ QUOTE ]
              That never worked too well for me, so I just came up with my own way which is to use the nail of my middle finger, instead of the side of my thumb, in combination with the pick. Harmonics just SCREAM out using this method. Give it a try and let me know.

              [/ QUOTE ]

              So, you're hitting first with the pick, and second with the nail on your index finger? Mind posting a picture of you holding the pic, so I can see how you're holding it and where it is striking your nail at?


              • #8
                Re: having trouble hitting pinch harmonics

                Nope, I hit with the pick and nail at the same time. Basically, using the nail of my middle finger to get the harmonic instead of the flesh of my thumb. I'll try to get a pic but I've never posted a pic on here. Guess I'll have to read NOTP's guide to posting pics!

                DCZX - I have a classical and sometimes grow my nails out for that but then they get annoying and I cut them. Works either way just as long as there's a little bit of nail there.
                Unleash the fury.....Texas style!


                • #9
                  Re: having trouble hitting pinch harmonics

                  i do them two ways -the conventional pick and thumb combo as mentioned above and pick and middle finger

                  using the middle finger in conjunction with the pick introduces tame bell type tones.

                  The harmonic map from the 24th fret to the bridge has many sweet spots-so take your time and find out where it sounds best(you dont need an amp to do articial harmonics!!lol)
                  its your Tech/touch that brings these bastards out

                  I find the higher i play on the top e and b string the more i realy hit them notes HARD-there is a way to strike the note(hard tech to master)and produce the normal note and harmonic at the same time!when the vibrato is made WIDER the harmonic comes out-Chad does this lots on his tunes


                  have fun


                  • #10
                    Re: having trouble hitting pinch harmonics

                    I use the flesh on the thumb to do harmonics.
                    After reading this thread I tried to use my middle finger nail, and wow.... cleaner, more precise and louder harmonics...

                    ps I use the top part of the nail.


                    • #11
                      Re: having trouble hitting pinch harmonics

                      I do them with my thumb, in the "traditional" way, but maybe I'll try the middle finger thing.


                      • #12
                        Re: having trouble hitting pinch harmonics

                        Well if you live in LA, I'm sure you do the middle finger thing everyday on the road! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                        Unleash the fury.....Texas style!


                        • #13
                          Re: having trouble hitting pinch harmonics

                          I use the pick and thumb combo myself.


                          • #14
                            Re: having trouble hitting pinch harmonics

                            i am world famous for using my pinky, yes my pinky. the knuckle part of it as well and it makes them scream.
                            ask tracy or chucky blood, they've witnessed it in person.
                            Not helping the situation since 1965!


                            • #15
                              Re: having trouble hitting pinch harmonics

                              I have witnessed the "pinky" technique in person,most bizarre way I've ever seen of hitting a pinch harmonic but he does make the f*ckin things scream!!!!!Just amazing!!

