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  • Practice

    what is your daily practice routine? how long do you practice?

    hope for answers [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: Practice

    I have no routine. When I have a guitar, I plug in, start jamming. Scales and chromatic exercizes just dlow out naturally, while jamming. I play little solo's and whatnot, instead of pure practicing. A lot more fun, imho, and just as beneficial to your playing.
    You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


    • #3
      Re: Practice

      Same thing as GoR, I don't practice set things. I just play whatever strikes me, alot of times I throw in riffs or bits of solos from actual songs. I practice when and however long feels right at the time. Usually an hour at least, sometimes 3 if I am feeling very inspired. I just let the guitar tell me what to do [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


      • #4
        Re: Practice

        I don't really have a set thing that I do. I think about what I need to do and then I try to work towards it. Recently this has involved trying to play through chord changes thinking about which chord tones I am going to try to hit. These past few days I have been transcribing some melodies from Charlie Parker tunes and Lionel Hampton stuff to work on transcribing.


        • #5
          Re: Practice

          I always start by warming up and stretching my hands....then i play all the major modes alternate picked up and down the neck at varying speeds on the metronome.....then i jam for as long as i can........i find that by doing a little exercise at the start my practice turns out way better.....but thats just me


          • #6
            Re: Practice

            I usually at least have a set warm up routine, for both hands. Then go to some exercizes I may be currently into. What I enjoy most is creating my own exercizes though. I'll take an exercize from a magazine, Troy Stetina, whatever, and make it my own somehow. Usually just changing notes so it's more pleasing to my own ear, usually more difficult and challenging. I just make sure I target the technique that was originally intended. Then jam challenging riffs etc. and improvise soloing. It gotta mix it up and keep things fun even when your 'practicing' [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
            Hear the universe scream
            Bleeding from black holes
            Whom horns careless
            And whom God mourns


            • #7
              Re: Practice

              Just a quick note about warm up exercises. That is something I always do right before I practice, it takes about 15 minutes and basically it was something I picked up from Petrucci's Rock Disipline DVD. Its really important I think to at least do some stretching and stuff particularly if your playing for longer than an hour.


              • #8
                Re: Practice

                I also plug in, do some warmup scales & modes up and down the neck, then I usually work on whatever song I'm trying to learn, try to play along with the CD, play some riffs from songs I already know, etc. My practices go anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. If I have time, I'll play 2 or 3 different guitars, then switch over to bass for a little while.


                • #9
                  Re: Practice

                  Nah, no real conscious intentions to do warm up scales and diddies, I just play. I just play whatever comes to mind could be a VH song or two, to any Priest, Maiden, to my own stuff.
                  Theres no set structure. I quess I warm just by playing whatever. I use to do that whole scale warm up thingy and its very good schooling. That sort of thing isn't any longer on the grid. Pick it up, strap up, plug in and play whatever.

                  I mean really, you play some classic VH stuff it will warm you up pretty quick. The whole songs or just the lead to Atomic Punk, I'm the one, On Fire, as well as others.
                  Such tunes are real good to loosen up to and will definitely warm you up.

                  People think too much about warming up and all it might entail, the benefits there of and etc. Again, not being negative, a structured warm up has it place.
                  What works best?
                  Just play whatever it might be.
                  Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

                  "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

                  I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

                  Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


                  • #10
                    Re: Practice

                    Our and a half to 2 hours per day - 3 hours on Saturdays.

                    Half hour of warm up which is intense in my case, 1/2 hour of stuff I have come up with and written down so I don't forget and 1/2 hour of new stuff.

                    Throw in jams on Saturdays.

                    My practices are very structured but there is a big payoff.
                    PLAY TILL U DIE !!!


                    • #11
                      Re: Practice

                      [ QUOTE ]

                      My practices are very structured but there is a big payoff.

                      [/ QUOTE ]

                      +1 [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
                      Hear the universe scream
                      Bleeding from black holes
                      Whom horns careless
                      And whom God mourns


                      • #12
                        Re: Practice

                        twist one and it's blast off time to tuneland for me.
                        Not helping the situation since 1965!


                        • #13
                          Re: Practice

                          Yep, strap it on and blast off to wherever the music takes me.
                          I am so far past that "scales and modes and picking excersises" mentality...I want to write good songs now, and am way more impressed with songwriters than guitar heros.

                          I did that stuff many years ago, and could probably recall some of it if forced (ie; gun to temple), but never apply it consiously(sp?) to my songwriting.
                          On the other hand, I ain't exactly playing prog-rock, so...your mileage will most certainly vary.

                          One of the great benefits of growing...shall we say, more mature in life and my playing is that I can relax and be me with no second guessing. It's a benefit youth will never grasp, and I guess you have to pay some dues to get here, but this headspace alone is worth all of the dues paid and trials won.

                          Latest albums bought: Jake E Lee - Retraced
                          Mark Knopfler - Shangri La
                          Go Go Dolls - Dizzy Up The Girl


                          • #14
                            Re: Practice

                            I just like to play... whatever comes out, comes out. I don't really play that much anymore, but when I do I just play what I want... no scales or warmups here.



                            • #15
                              Re: Practice

                              It all depends upon what your goals are.
                              PLAY TILL U DIE !!!

