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Ok I need some help, its time for me to start over

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  • Ok I need some help, its time for me to start over

    Ive been thinking latley, and this is what Ive come up with... This is pretty hard to admit. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

    So Im 23 and have been playing for about 10 years now... I never started off with any good influences. When I first started back in middle school, Nirvana was my band of choice. [img]/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif[/img]

    Over the years I got into Metallica, then Maiden later on, but not until the past couple years did I REALLY get deeper into REAL guitarists. I blame this on my lack of musical knowledge... never had many friends and none were really into music, so I had no way to really find out about anything new, was pretty much always on my own except for a few times jamming with people. Never anyone to learn new things from, never played in a band, basically just myself the whole time. I had a teacher for a couple months when I first started, but he was a drunk moron and never went back.

    Well thats not cutting it anymore. Ive got my own house now, and its time for me to get serious with music. I cant play the stuff I really want to play, I just sit there with my mouth open in awe hoping someday to be half as good as the stuff I listen to. Well you know what? Screw that, screw half as good... whats the good in doing something if you limit yourself?

    I want to start over... Sure I can shred some, but I have no idea what Im doing... no theory, scales, nothing... I just play what sounds right, and honestly its VERY limiting. I put in John Petruccis DVD, and I couldnt even do his damned warmups... that got me even more pissed at myself. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

    Ive hear ALOT of great stuff here, and people with TONS of experience and talent, so I ask you all at JCF... what do I do? Do I find a teacher local? Do I go get some books/videos? What, in your opinion, is the best way for me to get on track? I know everyone learns differently, but the only way for me to truly find out is to try and see. Money is pretty limited, but Ill pay what I have to. I dont care, but I want to be able to pick up thes damn guitars and do what ever the hell I want to on them, Im damn sick of my lack of musical knowledge and Im gonna do something about it starting right now.

    If anyone knows any GOOD teachers in the South Jersey/Philly area, please shoot me their info. Ive also heard alot of great things about Frank G's works... any input? [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]
    Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...

  • #2
    Re: Ok I need some help, its time for me to start over

    I gave it all up for about 15 years. Big mistake... I too had to learn all over again. To short cut things, I got into a cover band where all I need to do is copy someone else's stuff. I'd be interested in what others have to say on this subject because I'm sure there are others like us.



    • #3
      Re: Ok I need some help, its time for me to start over

      [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img] Thats the thing too... While Id like to have the ability to play other peoples stuff, Id really like to do my own thing. I just want to have the ablility.
      Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


      • #4
        Re: Ok I need some help, its time for me to start over

        Pick up Frank Gambales DVd(video) "Mode Mystery No more". that in my opinion is the best source out there for learning modes and what scales etc work with what mode etc.
        You need to know that so you know if you are in major.minor mixolydian.lydian etc.
        that DVD opened my eyes to that stuff and it has made me a much better player.
        that's a good place to start.
        If this is our perdition, will you walk with me?


        • #5
          Re: Ok I need some help, its time for me to start

          I'm 30 and started when I was 15 but I pretty much quit for about 8 years during my 20's (too much partying, drinking, women chasing). Anyhoo, recently got back into playing pretty much nightly and trying to get myself passed where I used to be. And I'll tell you what's helping my playing better than I expected. I bought myself a V-amp and got myself a virtual drum machine and started doing some recording. I just create a rhythm against a drum track and start coming up with solo's on top of it. It works wonders for one's own voice and creativity. My advice is to start recording yourself asap (of course, this is done only if you can't jam with a band which I personally can't...I work 2nd shift and a band is out of the question). But I kinda prefer to do it all myself, the more I do it, the better I'll be. Yeah, I can play any song thats on the radio and other than metallica, soundgarden, and led zeppelin, I never really learned other bands songs. I've always been more interested in just being creative, playing what I like to play and go from there. The only way to create your own style is to just play what you create and build on top of it. Sure, practice should definately be apart of a daily routine, it is for me too but I do it privately. The internet is full of courses, helps, hints, lessons, ect...I just narrow down whats troubling me (at this moment, I'm working on learning modes to solo better and developing my right picking hand) and work on that for weeks. There's all kinds of guitar players out there. I know a guy thats killer on the guitar but only on songs by other bands. If you hear his originals, oh lord. The dogs start barking. He falls apart if he has to come up with a solo off the top of his head. I don't care to be that guy. My golden rule: I'd rather suck at my own shyt than be kick ass on someone elses. Its my motto that i'll die with. Im just glad my music doesnt suck TOO bad [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] I enjoy playing, I enjoy creating, and its mine. Noone will ever take that away from me. I wish you luck my friend, as I always say: Keep playing, Keep creating, and most of all, have yourself a blast [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]


          • #6
            Re: Ok I need some help, its time for me to start

            Or you could try Steve Vai's 10-hour workout - you'll eventually know where every note on the neck is, and your ear will tell you what works with what.

            The biggest problem I've witnessed that comes from learning directly from someone else (instructional vids and face-to-face lessons) is that you get indoctrinated into thinking like that person - whether it's the accordion or shredding a guitar. Then you end up with the same compositional limitations they have. If you've already got your own "thing" going it's easier to avoid the conversion, but for those who are at the very beginning, it pretty much ruins their potential, because the artist in them is being stifled by "no, hold the pick this way" and "no, your phrasing is wrong, you should do it this way".
            I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

            The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

            My Blog:


            • #7
              Re: Ok I need some help, its time for me to start

              heh, i'm in the same boat, except only been playing 5years or so... id call you up for some jams but i'm in the UK heh!

              my plan is, to record myself more (as cuthroat said) over backing tracks etc.

              i found one which is ok and it comes with instructions on what scales etc you could use, so i figure thats a good start.. taken from the Petrucci forum comp:

              "New September's Backing Track

              The new bt is in A min the progression is: 1, 6, 7, 5, with the chords being Amin, Fmaj, Gmaj, and Emaj. The Chorus' Chords are: A, E, D, C.
              You can use A Harmonic Minor, Dorian, Aeolian, Phrigian, or Amin (C Major). "

              BT is here:

              Website here:

              All the best man, keep on chugging away [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

