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  • Theory...

    Can anyone recommend a good book/website that goes from beginning to the end and not just something that touches on the basic diatonic scales?

    Insert annoying equipment list here....

  • #2
    I'm sure that there will be others to give you advice but here is mine:

    Many years ago, I had a copy of the Metal Method series by Doug (Marks?). It was a great start because it showed you major scales/patterns and explained the modes in an easy to understand way. I may get laughed off the site but it opened my eyes and helped me understand the patterns of the scales and modes.
    Give it a try at "" it might be a good starting point.
    No honey, I have always had this Jackson....


    • #3
      The Complete Guitarist available at your local book store or Amazon.

      You won't be sorry. Best book I have ever seen on Guitar period.
      PLAY TILL U DIE !!!


      • #4
        There's a lot of "The Complete Guitarist" books on Amazon - who's the author?
        Wal - Good from far, but far from good


        • #5
          was just going to ask the same question.

          Insert annoying equipment list here....


          • #6
            Troy Stetina series is good
            Totally Guitar is nice too

            check guitar websites like this one

            most of the time I find what I have to find on the web ... I bought some chords book a while ago and learned them all, that's pretty much the only book I've used ... and totally guitar, but that was a gift and it's real nice. They present a bunch of guitar companies, how to maintain your guitar, and obviously guitar techniques. There's a section on Rock, Jazz, Metal, Classic, Blues and so on


            • #7


              • #8
                Richard Chapman

                Amazon claims to have some used ones starting at $2.49 - best money you will ever spend on learning guitar.
                Last edited by shredmonster; 06-23-2006, 08:53 AM.
                PLAY TILL U DIE !!!


                • #9
                  Frank Gambale has a few books out,he is a great teacher and easily shows you how to use theory into spicing up your playing


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Big Al
                    I'm sure that there will be others to give you advice but here is mine:

                    Many years ago, I had a copy of the Metal Method series by Doug (Marks?). It was a great start because it showed you major scales/patterns and explained the modes in an easy to understand way. I may get laughed off the site but it opened my eyes and helped me understand the patterns of the scales and modes.
                    Give it a try at "" it might be a good starting point.
                    I agree. I recently purchased levels 1-6 and have found it very intuative. I think Doug does a good job of explaining scale, modal and chord theory. Levels 1 and 2 really aren't necessary unless you are just staring out, but 3 and 4 give you a good intro and 5 and 6 get down to more detail. check it out. It is relatively cheap and well worth your while.
                    Good deals with:
                    Metal Medal II, Tonyl11

