I recently picked up a copy of The Complete Guitarist at my local bookstore. It has been a tremendous help in improving some areas of my technique. Most notably, my hand and thumb positioning on the neck. It didn't, however, address the other hand.
Sometimes I find myself unconsiously switching the position of the pick in my fingers while I'm playing. I also don't feel like I'm as accurate as I should be.
I know this may sound simple and stupid, but are there any resources that talk about the best way to hold the pick and where to position the picking hand? Also, how much of the pick should hit the string? It seems that most fast players use a thicker pick. But I find that with a thicker pick, my pick seems to get "stuck" on the strings when trying to play fast. Is picking all in the wrist?
I just feel like maybe I need to start from the ground up with regards to my picking, because it seems like my playing fingers are starting to progress faster than my picking can keep up.
Sometimes I find myself unconsiously switching the position of the pick in my fingers while I'm playing. I also don't feel like I'm as accurate as I should be.
I know this may sound simple and stupid, but are there any resources that talk about the best way to hold the pick and where to position the picking hand? Also, how much of the pick should hit the string? It seems that most fast players use a thicker pick. But I find that with a thicker pick, my pick seems to get "stuck" on the strings when trying to play fast. Is picking all in the wrist?
I just feel like maybe I need to start from the ground up with regards to my picking, because it seems like my playing fingers are starting to progress faster than my picking can keep up.
