I can nail pinch harmonics with ease but I cannot, for the life of me, do the dive bomb/trem harmonics.
Can anyone give me any tips on how to do these? From watching various people perform these it appears that you dive with the trem, attack the string somewhat while "slacked", touch the string over a node, and then slowly release the trem.
I've tried this but I usually end up making some kind of noise remininscent of a dying monkey being violate one last time by a rabid cheetah.
Can anyone give me any tips on how to do these? From watching various people perform these it appears that you dive with the trem, attack the string somewhat while "slacked", touch the string over a node, and then slowly release the trem.
I've tried this but I usually end up making some kind of noise remininscent of a dying monkey being violate one last time by a rabid cheetah.