I am trying to play this chord and having troubles. I can bar with my 1st finger alone its OK. However, when I apply the 2nd finger on the D string I have a hard time keeping enough pressure with the 1st finger at the G string to get a good note. I am assuming I need to get my hands/fingers stretched and used to this. Are there any good excercises to allow me to play this chord cleanly.. or should I just keep practicing this chord until everything finally streches into place over time?
Thanks for any advice.
(FYI, this chord is from the Wild Stringdom book as one of Al's warmup excercises)
Thanks for any advice.
E | |1| | | | |4| B | |1| | |3| | | G | |1| | | | | | D | |1| |2| | | | A | |1| | | | | | E 0 | | | | | | | 14
(FYI, this chord is from the Wild Stringdom book as one of Al's warmup excercises)