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Tone Trauma... help a newbie player out :/

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  • Tone Trauma... help a newbie player out :/

    1st off, my rig:

    esp ec1000 custom (emg 81s)
    boss sd1
    jcm800 50watt 1x12 combo (4010 one)

    Ive played and played around but CANNOT find a good sound. This might sound strange but ive never managed to find a sound im totally sold on (only just got the jcm, used to have a yamaha dg60 which was just as bad).

    I can get decent sound for slow chugga chugga grinding stuff, but anything for things like hammerfall where you need fast picked powerchords and single notes in the same riff, i just get muddy crap.

    Also solos are a no go, just get endless ghost notes sounding and all kinds of excess noise :/

    Itd be great if someone could post some basic starting points for the rig i have, i know most members on here have FAR much more experience\knowledge than i do, and i dont have any guitar playing friends or the cash for a tutor (which i need cos i suck :|) to bug for advice.

    It seems to me that playing amped is a skill in itself, unplugged i can play fine, but ampd i sound terrible, so bad i just unplug and get annoyed.

    Its even worse when i remember going into my local guitar shop and the guy can nail almost ANY sound out of his ltd m-50 straight into this 50watt solid state peavey thing.

    ps my guitar\amp\pedal are all fully working and serviced so it IS the fact im crap at this guitar lark holding me back [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: Tone Trauma... help a newbie player out :/

    I agree!! A Boss MT-2 Metal Zone will absolutely bail you out of tone jail. The Metal Zone is pretty much guaranteed to make any amp rip. It is a great pedal. Dump that SD-1.


    • #3
      Re: Tone Trauma... help a newbie player out :/

      Have you tried the MT2 Metal Zone? Since your set up sounded bad with 2 different amps, the problem may be your distortion pedal. I use the Metal Zone through an 8100 Valvestate and 4-4x12 cabs.(2 Marshall and 2 Crate) and get pretty good tone, lead or rhythm. The Marshall cabs have more bottom end and the crappy Crates pick up the top mids and highs.

      [ May 15, 2003, 12:48 PM: Message edited by: StukaJU87 ]
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