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  • Exercises

    I recovered a lot of the exercises i used to practice year or two ago. All of my notebooks [7 packed] had been canned by my mother in one of her cleaning raids. Well, no matter, i remembered a few, and i gotta' tell ya', they were / are a pretty good warmup exercise once you get 'em down solid. If you're a beginner, or whatever level, hey, they might help clean up your picking hand since they're just lengthy arpeggios that are meant to be alt. picked. By "lengthy arpeggios" i mean they span from let's say 2nd position and run up to the 20th. [just an example.]

    I'm posting this before i tab out all of the exercises [there are a hefty chunk] because i want to know if anyone would be interested. I'll post the first here and you guys tell me if you want the others:


    ------------------------And Back Down The Same

    There ya' go. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: Exercises

    mmmmmm its just a C major triad with the WORST finger positioning i have ever seen..

    man you have to slide that 5th to octave on the D string because NO one could play it that way..not even ET [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    As a warm up it would kill my hands to even try

    you lost all your music notes then,bad luck..if you can play that without a slide i want to see a photo of your hands [img]graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img]


    • #3
      Re: Exercises

      try playing C on the bottom E string,then the 3rd on the a string and then the 5th on the same string

      now repeat that in octaves for an easier shape that sounds the same

      still a cool picking exercise for those who dont sweep,you know some guys even alt pick there sweep shape arps??????


      • #4
        Re: Exercises

        if by "slide" you mean an actual let's say, glass / plastic / steel slide, then no, i don't play with that. even if you mean sliding into the C on the D string, i don't in the sense that it's auditory. there's no slide heard. that was the one thing that was rigid about learning to do it. with as little movement in the right hand as possible and as little noise. no slides. i suppose my hand is kinda' weird from all those times i've broken my fingers so they're able to sort of wiggle around, sorta' speak, and move relatively fast w/ ease. plus the fact that i'm missing a chunk out of my elbow [injury that caused bone chips to permanently be floating around my upper arm] allows, for whatever reason, easier movement that's more rapid than before. now i'm not saying i'm lightning fast or anything. i've seen your videos dude, awesome stuff. [img]graemlins/toast.gif[/img] checked out some of ya' songs on the site, really diggin' it. as far as my hands go, they really aren't big, just very flexible.

        i just figured i'd post this here since it works for me pretty well, figured what the hell ya' know?


        • #5
          Re: Exercises

          aaah yeah man! i was one of those guys up until a few months ago! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] i never even bothered with sweeping, couldn't stand it. never had the patience to sit down and do it and always looked down upon it for being the lazy way out. one day i was sitting around just jammin' out and my hand slipped and i did a simple three string [G B E] sweep by accident and loved the sound. plus... it gave me hope that i could do it at warp speed sometime. [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


          • #6
            Re: Exercises

            lol thats cool mate,you do know that sweeping is way easier than picking them arps like that!!!!!

            it amazes me when people do things the hard way,but you need to do both realy as your way gives great pick sound

            by slide i ment with finger,lol..not a bottle [img]images/icons/rolleyes.gif[/img] he he

            if you realy want to spice that up and give it more color(triads are a lil boring)

            add a can then play as 2 note per scale up in octaves..or my way one note on one string then the other 3 on the next string..up in octaves

            get those other exercises up here


            • #7
              Re: Exercises

              i hear ya' w/ the triads being pretty boring. hmm, i'll look into it. i go through the traids in each key, but i'll spare everyone that hell. [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] hmm, i'm working out something actually right now. just kinda' popped up as an idea. i'll post it later on tonight. it's 7:11pm here.

              aw damn. i was hoping you meant the bottle, coulda' told the amazing story of how i ripped off a GC and Sam Ash in the same day... in one store! [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

              one thing that might be a worthwhile post since i know a lotta' people go after it at some point in their guitaring, Paganini's 5th. lotta' ways to play it, i know. i'll do what i can if anyone wants to see something. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


              • #8
                Re: Exercises

                yeahh that would be cool, i never learnt anything like that as i have the memory of a get soooooooooooooooo bored
                learning long tracks,i might sit down and learn that(but then

                well yeahhh you can try the glass slide on it

                the best trick i used to have was when i used to use thick brass picks..on the end of the sweeps i would sometimes tap slide with it up and down a load of frets(and being brass sounded sooooooo cool)

       i tried the typical right hand spasm pick taps it used to bend the strings out of shape!!!great big V's in them were i tapped and of course useless to play again

                yeahhh bring on more tab


                • #9
                  Re: Exercises

                  Well, it can be an exercise, a lick, whatever you want. I was switchin' up between Paganini's 16th, Paganini's 5th and Mozart's 25th and this somehow or other came out. [I started with one, after a few bars of staying w/ it and improving over/with/around i switch to another and so on... aka... a cover medley. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] ]


                  sorry about this but it got way too confusing visually when i'm typing it in... the lines are all outta' whack so here's the last thing:


                  lemme' know if anyone digs it. i think my playing is takin' substantial leaps. despite the whole beginning stages of carpal tunnel in my left wrist. so it's in a splint right now and i shouldn't be playing but, hell, it's the only thing that's really comfortable for whatever reason. kinda' weird huh?

                  [ August 28, 2003, 12:16 PM: Message edited by: cryoprison ]


                  • #10
                    Re: Exercises

                    Originally posted by cryoprison:
                    Well, it can be an exercise, a lick, whatever you want. I was switchin' up between Paganini's 16th, Paganini's 5th and Mozart's 25th and this somehow or other came out. [I started with one, after a few bars of staying w/ it and improving over/with/around i switch to another and so on... aka... a cover medley. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] ]


                    sorry about this but it got way too confusing visually when i'm typing it in... the lines are all outta' whack so here's the last thing:


                    lemme' know if anyone digs it. i think my playing is takin' substantial leaps. despite the whole beginning stages of carpal tunnel in my left wrist. so it's in a splint right now and i shouldn't be playing but, hell, it's the only thing that's really comfortable for whatever reason. kinda' weird huh?
                    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Very cool stuff! [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


                    • #11
                      Re: Exercises

                      glad ya' dig it man. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


                      • #12
                        Re: Exercises

                        I got one for stretching, I like quite a lot.

                        please, try to accept it as an exercise. don't expect it to sound very interesting. just a warmup...


                        I take this pattern and start at 12th fret D string. after that, same pattern, 12th fret A string and right after; 12th fret E string.
                        then I go down to 11th fret an all the way to first fret.
                        it sounds like ****, but you learn to move your fingers independently and get stretched pretty well in the end.
                        if that becomes too lame, try putting some free frets between your fingers.

                        especialy with a free fret between middle and ring finger it becomes really difficult for me. but it helps quite a lot.

                        and you can combine with a sweep-movement on your picking hand. nice exercise.

                        besides I practise scales and do lots of repeating sweeping and alternate picking stuff, but those are easy to practise.
                        just take any lick, a metronome and try to get faster every day...
                        not THAT revolutionary... [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]
                        tremstick give-away (performer series trem)


                        • #13
                          Re: Exercises

                          got a sexy stretching exercise I read in a Guitar World lesson with George Lynch, back in the good ol' days.

                          Try playing all your 3-note-per-string scale patterns, but do it without your 1st finger. Start above the 12 fret to make it a bit easier on your hand, but then as you limber up move it down the neck to widen the stretch
                          Hail yesterday

