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Proper Fingering Question

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  • Proper Fingering Question


    Im fairly decent using my pinky now.

    But lets say im playing on frets 13-15-17.

    Which fingers do I want to use. 1-2-4 (index, middle, pinky) 1-3-4, etc.

    Im not sure whether to keep strict 1-2-3-4 form or if im allowed to get creative. I wanna keep a good system so that I am consistant throughout the neck.

    Does a person wanna use the 1-2-3-4 (always have a finger for each 4 frets) in tact all the way up the scale?

    Even the high ones that are hard to play like that?

    I cant see in videos coz usually guys are moving to fast.

    Any good references for where my fingers should be?


  • #2
    Re: Proper Fingering Question

    Originally posted by gemini8026:
    But lets say im playing on frets 13-15-17.

    Which fingers do I want to use. 1-2-4 (index, middle, pinky) 1-3-4, etc.
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Go with whatever feels right for a given situation. That far up the neck, it's no stretch to use 1-2-3 if your prefer, which would allow you to use your 4th finger for notes higher up the neck whilst maintaining your position over the 13-15-17th frets. But what fingers you use depends on the context, ie. what you played before those notes and what you plan on playing next.

    I find I favour 1-2-4 in the example you provided. As you've discovered, things get crowded up high and maintaining one finger per fret isn't always practical.

    That's my 2cents, anyhoo. Now let's wait together until the experts arrive... [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
    Hail yesterday


    • #3
      Re: Proper Fingering Question

      I agree, play what's most comfortable for you and within the context of where you are going next. I don't believe there is any hard and fast rule on this as long as you are using all your fingers. [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


      • #4
        Re: Proper Fingering Question

        what everyone else said is right.. do what feels best.. however, if you want to think in terms of position (1 finger per fret), then you should play it 1-2-4.. playing in that position helps you see the box or scale that you're using better.


        • #5
          Re: Proper Fingering Question

          Use whatever finger makes her scream the most! [img]graemlins/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]
          I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


          • #6
            Re: Proper Fingering Question


            Thanks guys. Life is TOTALLY different now that I use my pinky!

            Its a tough and long learning curve, and I dont wanna be doing things wrong AGAIN and have to relearn all my shapes and such.

            I watched a few more videos and noticed guys most fellas use the 1-2-4 in that scenario.



            • #7
              Re: Proper Fingering Question

              Another thing that should be mentioned, is that to do that kind of run (similar to a 3 note per string deal) is to practice it and be consistent.

              Learn the 7 different 3-note major scale and minor on each degree, and it will open up a lot more of the fingerboard for you....allowing you to visualize notes across and along the neck, instead of little "pieces" of scales.

              And, as a added bonus, you can make up a lot of little sequences from these or fragments to outline changes or fills.

              Just a whatever feels right, be consistent, have fun, and learn as much as you can/want [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


              • #8
                Re: Proper Fingering Question

                I usually use 1-3-4 that far up neck but I catch myself doing both 1-2-4 and 1-3-4. It usually is dependant upon the next riff or lick after the run which dictates which fingering I use. It wouldn't be a bad idea to be able to do both as it gives you the flexibility for fingering the next sequence as I stated based on whatever finger is required. One thing I would suggest is whatever you do...use the pinky


                • #9
                  Re: Proper Fingering Question

                  you have to play it both ways,using the pinky means you can also play the notes in the scale between your fingers to add cromatic or (out)notes to that shape

                  but not using the pinky in that shape would give you the advantage of using the pinky(if you wanted to)on the next scale step going up from the line you sugested..

                  thats why you need to play it all,like wise joining the dots in the scale (ala cromatics)is great to train the fingers,with many diferent fingering patterns and seq's..then seq triplest/4's/odd numbers.ect

                  just remeber to train each finger up,and also if tapping keep 2 to 3 fingers of the right hand with the skills needed(i alsways hold the pick and tap with the middle to pinky fingers)

