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Troy Stetina HM Lead Guitar

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Vass View Post
    , and Speed Mechanics for Lead Guitar, which I also started messing with- I can tell you that for the drills alone the second book is worth it. Hand's stronger, pinky doing more than it usually does. Lots of great exercises that I could see doing to warm up/keep in shape for the rest of my playing life.
    That book gave me tendonitis, but after healing i am getting really fast, i am working on the drills right after Flight of the Bumblebee right now and i got them all almost to 180 bpm. Awesome book if you put forth the effort to really delve into it.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Foolius Maximus View Post
      i find myself going through the "i'm sick of my playing and i need to freshen things up" thing but when you're older, i'm 40, it's hard to dedicate the time it takes to learn and play the stuff at the speed you want to play it at - i'm currently working on alternate picking as i have always been the hammer on pull off guy but it's not easy to practice the way you use to when you were younger - i do it because i love the guitar and will always play whether i make money at it or not - it's a passion - neddi

      Just like anything else, sometimes you have to take the time, regardless,
      well, to a point anyways. Got time to watch TV? Forget it. Play, instead.
      Speed isn't really bothering me, I'm still quite agile enough, so I'm focusing on technique. Speed will follow.
      And passion, that is, the fact I don't have to do this, is both a curse and a blessing. A curse, because I can easily allow myself to get lazy, and a blessing becuase I can choose my own timeline.

