Hello all! Recent lurker, first time poster, owner of two Jackson PC1 guitars. The prides of my stable! I hope I'm posting in the right forum - if not, I apologize. I'm a beginner...playing for about 8 months now, learning slowly but surely. Trying to learn music theory as I learn to play, so it's coming very very slowly. But I enjoy it, and that's all that counts for me. No world tours planned 
I'm hoping to find another board member who lives in the Phoenix metro area, who has some experience with the PC1. Playing it is one thing, but making that sustainer sing is entirely another. I just don't know how to take advantage of it, or make it do what it was really designed to do. For me, it just sounds like elephants fighting. So I thought I'd post here, and see if any PC1 owners/experts/afficianados were in my area. I'll pay for lessons, or if you just want to hang and bounce ideas. Whatever. I'm at ground zero now, so whatever I can learn is an improvement! I've also got a question about identifying one of my PC1s, so I'll post that in the appropriate board later on.
Sidenote: I did post on Craigs List in my area, looking for a teacher with sustainer experience, in the "Gigs" area but the post got flagged for some reason I can't figure out. So I am making a concerted effort to meet people in my area.
Thanks all, glad to be here,
Chandler, AZ

I'm hoping to find another board member who lives in the Phoenix metro area, who has some experience with the PC1. Playing it is one thing, but making that sustainer sing is entirely another. I just don't know how to take advantage of it, or make it do what it was really designed to do. For me, it just sounds like elephants fighting. So I thought I'd post here, and see if any PC1 owners/experts/afficianados were in my area. I'll pay for lessons, or if you just want to hang and bounce ideas. Whatever. I'm at ground zero now, so whatever I can learn is an improvement! I've also got a question about identifying one of my PC1s, so I'll post that in the appropriate board later on.
Sidenote: I did post on Craigs List in my area, looking for a teacher with sustainer experience, in the "Gigs" area but the post got flagged for some reason I can't figure out. So I am making a concerted effort to meet people in my area.
Thanks all, glad to be here,
Chandler, AZ