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What are these kids taking to get so advanced so soon?

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  • #46
    Don't waste your money on a pedal, just put the money you'd spend on that towards a better amp.
    Why so serious?


    • #47
      I already got a 6100LM, although I don't have a cab for it. I'm waiting for some local killer deal.
      And why did you say that? At least justify your post...


      • #48
        Originally posted by metal_reaper View Post
        I already got a 6100LM, although I don't have a cab for it. I'm waiting for some local killer deal.
        And why did you say that? At least justify your post...
        He said that because it's TRUE.

        I never went for the middle-of-the-road crap and I'm a better player and $1000's richer for it.

        Save up money, sell your 6100 eventually, put all the money together and get a really good amp.
        You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


        • #49
          Oh you must be sniffing pot. I will not sell my 6100LM, it's a great amp. Why I would sell it a good amp? and what amp should I buy if I eventually sell this one?


          • #50
            Originally posted by metal_reaper View Post
            I already got a 6100LM, although I don't have a cab for it. I'm waiting for some local killer deal.
            And why did you say that? At least justify your post...
            You can justify my post for me, just go and play through the Spider.

            I was just trying to save you wasting your money, but by all means feel free to do so, I'll be laughing when you end up buying a new amp after a month when you realise the muff hasn't helped.
            Why so serious?


            • #51
              Have you tried it? the metal muff? If you haven't then you cannot tell that is a waste of money.

              Buying a new amp after a month? I have a amp head that I never played with, how about that? I'm sure it will blast my ears, in a good way, when I have a cab for it. if the muff don't help, I have the head's distortion so...

              PS: the spider amp sucks...I will trade it for a roland for practice with the band.

              And sorry for the hi-jack thread.
              Last edited by metal_reaper; 09-03-2008, 01:12 PM.


              • #52
                There have always been great young players. What the internet has done is give them exposure.


                • #53
                  okay, who has jammed with this 8 year old?


                  • #54
                    wrong post
                    Last edited by phill_up; 09-30-2008, 11:46 AM. Reason: wrong post


                    • #55
                      I have a 15 year old son that is moving in with me this weekend. He came over last week for the first in about a year and I let him plug into my rig. at first I was impressed to holy hell, sweeping all over the board like roided housewive from 50's. Hey son lets jam, I told him, put on some drum beats and he can't hold a rhytm to save his ass. Can't bend a note in tune if there was a gun to his head and don't even get me started on vibrato, I almost puked. Oh yeah he can't tune the fucking thing, I swear to god the 80's will be back but in an even worse way pretty soon.
                      Now I have to sit him down with lynch, jake e lee, bratta c.d.s to train his ear for taste.


                      • #56
                        You don't need to got back to the 80's to train his ears. My son is making strides with his abilities listening to the bands he loves. Nothinh wrong in showinhg him where you came from..I do that all the time. But he listens to stuff that makes that seem sedate and not as challenging..which he finds uninspiring. Teach him bends..I've been working with my son to bend to pitch by having him listen to fretted note that is a half, whole step up first. A simple concept that helped him alot. ..he'll evetually get the vibrato feel down.

                        Haha..try learning his favorite stuff and show it to him. Recently, I had to learn alot of riffs from Trivium, Shadows falls, Arch Enemy, COB and even Dragonforce that he was having a hard time with. you'll have 100% of his attention and interest!
                        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by paige View Post
                          I have a 15 year old son that is moving in with me this weekend. He came over last week for the first in about a year and I let him plug into my rig. at first I was impressed to holy hell, sweeping all over the board like roided housewive from 50's. Hey son lets jam, I told him, put on some drum beats and he can't hold a rhytm to save his ass. Can't bend a note in tune if there was a gun to his head and don't even get me started on vibrato, I almost puked. Oh yeah he can't tune the fucking thing, I swear to god the 80's will be back but in an even worse way pretty soon.
                          Now I have to sit him down with lynch, jake e lee, bratta c.d.s to train his ear for taste.
                          That's funny. I'm a little older (22) but spend more time working bends and vibrato than anything. I can shred but it's pretty sloppy - only sounds good through a POD or something with a bunch of distortion, compression, and delay.

                          One thing I still can't do at all is learn things by ear. I could spend hours trying to figure out an AC/DC song and never get it right. I guess I need to start with single note sequences where there are only C and G, then add more options as I learn to distinguish between them.

                          It's so much less work to just use tabs!


                          • #58
                            Kalmah anybody?

                            I suck by ear as well, although not as bad as troy. A good suggestion is to try and learn songs from videos where you can see the fingering. Marty Friedman's always good for that. I managed to figure out the first half of this song:

                            I'm younger but take have as much time to play as I used to, don't spend as much time on sweeping and such. Mostly do technical jamming, trying to keep a beat, melody, and such.. trying to not be that kid that can't keep a rhythm. Basically I agree with most of what's been said


                            • #59
                              Hey horn's,Ive already turned the boy onto loomis (who in mind is the best all around player to come around for a long time), but loomis has a great feel and vibrato and bends. I do like alot of his music, I just think lynch and jake has some of the best bends and vibrato feel put on vinyl. I wont shove it down his throat but it's slower so he can hear and feel the difference between good and bad technique.
                              As far as learning by ear, it is alot of hours spent and even more mistake's, but it seems like one day it all comes together. But a kid that can sweep and play all these crazy three notes per string runs and can't even tune a guitar shows me a big fucking dose of lazyiness.


                              • #60
                                Oh yeah can't forget Sykes as far as taste and feel.

