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What are these kids taking to get so advanced so soon?

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  • What are these kids taking to get so advanced so soon?

    You other older guys know what i mean
    I had to practice my ass off for years to get a sufficient amount of technique/speed
    kids these days are getting it in half or even a quater of that time? WTF
    is it something in the water? some new drug i am unaware of?
    If it's not a CHARVEL then i dont want to play it,look at it or even fuckin THINK about it!

  • #2
    I think it's the internet. Now we have access to all this information , which certainly helps out a lot! Back in the day, you guys probably had to figure out a lot on your own. Now there are exercises posted everywhere for techniques, aswell as songtabs everwhere.
    Adrian Smith fanboy


    • #3
      It's the information era. We oldsters had no such luxury as dominant as the internet.

      Sure, we got tabs in various guitar enthusiast magazines and instructional videos of the stars were available to us at a premium, but now it's assessable via the internet for friggin' free and they lap it up.

      It's evolution man. I'm sure old Les Paul himself never thought the electric guitar and the way it's used would go so far.


      • #4
        So one could say the internet is the drug then?
        If it's not a CHARVEL then i dont want to play it,look at it or even fuckin THINK about it!


        • #5
          Not so much a drug; More of an addiction. Like, too much coffee!!!!!!{That's me.}; I get where you're coming from though, Savage.

          Internet has it pros and cons. However, that's a whole new topic that could be discussed in the off topic forum.

          Regarding crazy fast kid shredders? That's one of the pros.
          Cons? They're leaving me in there dust!!!


          • #6
            Yeah the internet makes the info easily accessible.

            Also, I think, the internet is responsible for making guitarists aware of the possibilities and their flaws. "It's cool again to know how to play your guitar"-kind of mentality.

            Some kid playing Korn all day long, suddenly sees Malmsteen and he's like FUCK YEAH, and he starts practicing practicing practicing.
            You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Sjusovaren View Post
              I think it's the internet. Now we have access to all this information , which certainly helps out a lot! Back in the day, you guys probably had to figure out a lot on your own. Now there are exercises posted everywhere for techniques, as well as songtabs everwhere.
              +1 - Back in the mid-80's, there weren't any teachers that would teach you anything new - everyone in the Bay Area was "ok, time for Stairway to Heaven!" No knock on Jimmy Page, but teachers that were any good just didn't "do" thrash, metal, or shred back then...
              Crime doesn't pay. Neither does lutherie...


              • #8
                Originally posted by GinSonic View Post
                Regarding crazy fast kid shredders? That's one of the pros.
                Cons? They're leaving me in there dust!!!
                you and me both bro!
                If it's not a CHARVEL then i dont want to play it,look at it or even fuckin THINK about it!


                • #9
                  POD's, Protabs, Guitarpro, just tab generally, youtube. Really is amazing. I remember having to "tab out" songs if I couldn't find or afford the book. Sometimes I was right, sometimes I was wrong. Sometimes I had to make shit up when I couldn't tell, which ultimately was probably good for me.

                  In the end, it's the information, not the delivery medium, that matters, and on balance it's a good thing- While one may argue that it could stifle creativity as kids are spoonfed the wickedest riffs, I would argue that you can't stifle a naturally creative & talented kid, and if that's the case then you just are just adding efficiencies to their training.

                  Also- Growing up I knew 3 or so kids that could really melt your with the internet it seems like there are a million kids that can do that- reality is they were always out there, you just never had any exposure to them.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Vass View Post
                    Growing up I knew 3 or so kids that could really melt your with the internet it seems like there are a million kids that can do that- reality is they were always out there, you just never had any exposure to them.

                    I knew two and their names were jason becker and shawn lane
                    and your are right i am sure that the killers were always there
                    i kind of liked it better when they were unknown,gave me more hope
                    If it's not a CHARVEL then i dont want to play it,look at it or even fuckin THINK about it!


                    • #11
                      It's pretty easy when you have cheap, good sounding stuff available plus more information than you can ever use for free at your fingertips.

                      On the other hand, I cannot learn ANYTHING by ear. Not even the simplest of songs.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by thetroy View Post
                        It's pretty easy when you have cheap, good sounding stuff available plus more information than you can ever use for free at your fingertips.

                        On the other hand, I cannot learn ANYTHING by ear. Not even the simplest of songs.
                        well another thing that amazes me is the dexterity some of these kids have already,
                        the internet and tab can tell you what the notes are but CANNOT make your fingers perform them great.
                        what are these kids spending like 12 hours a day on their guitars?
                        I used to do that when i had no responsibilities but the older you get the less time you can put into it
                        If it's not a CHARVEL then i dont want to play it,look at it or even fuckin THINK about it!


                        • #13
                          I spent a summer spending 4-6 hours per day playing scalar exercises to a metronome.

                          Since then I've stopped really practicing and mostly just noodle anytime I pick up a guitar.


                          • #14
                            It's Evolution. Kids pop out of the womb being able to play Eruption and set up a Floyd Trem.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by OnlineStageGear View Post
                              Kids pop out of the womb being able to play Eruption and set up a Floyd Trem.

                              seems that way huh?
                              If it's not a CHARVEL then i dont want to play it,look at it or even fuckin THINK about it!

