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What are these kids taking to get so advanced so soon?

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  • #76
    playing acoustic or classical helps to improve on the electric a lot... it doesn't matter if you usually play hard rock or grindcore... it does help

    playing acoustic instrument is physically harder... after messing around with the acoustic playing the electric feels so goddamn easy.

    the other thing is how it improves your picking/strumming hand fingers... there's so many cool things you can do with fingers.... just listen to Jeff Beck... so many different colours.... whenever I play some slower lead part I try to do it with my fingers... the tone is much cooler and fatter.

    funny thing is... when I started to play guitar... I started out with the acoustic... I started with the blues and that's what I've been playing the most in my life but at the same time I practiced classical pieces. Of course theoretically I had no idea what the heck I was doing but somehow I got the idea how the classical guitar worked because of playing it constantly. Funny... when I play with electric... I don't use any of those classical guitar ideas... maybe because I try to avoid it to sound just like another neo-classical whatever... Instead I try to use some Debussy-like melodies which aren't very common in guitar playing... but subconsciously I still use some of those voicings that I got from playing classical guitar even though it's not classical music.
    But whenever I pickup an acoustic instrument... I come up with little classical etudes and whatnot automatically. I dunno how... but it's kinda programmed in my brain.

    but I mostly played acoustic with metal strings... I just loved that sound more... real classical and flamenco playing usually needs to be done with fingernails but I had a bad habit of biting them all the time.
    I still managed to get the flamenco tremolo down somehow... but with fingertips like bassplayers do it.
    It's helluva lot harder to do that fast shit with fingers but when you get it really down you can fly a lot faster than with a pick because mechanically fingers can play a lot more notes than with the picking hand motion.
    "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


    • #77
      I just thought of an idea why the kids are so much better these days. It's because they're recording themselves. It's amazing how many things you can pick up on if you go back and listen to yourself. I've just recently started doing this and I've realized that my right hand technique is crap.

      Ben - what's the clever name of this guy's band?
      Last edited by Spivonious; 10-03-2008, 11:26 AM.


      • #78
        Originally posted by slayer32390 View Post
        there is no such thing as apples vs. oranges in music everything, and i mean everything, is related and relative to each other.
        On the contrary. Our closest relatives are believed to be primates. They may have been America's first astronauts into space. Some believe we have evolved from primates. Relatives? Related? maybe... It doesn’t take a an expert in General Relativistic Cosmologies to notice the difference immediately.

        Please note that I am not meaning to offend anyone.

        You could say that music is a fruit salad and all pieces of fruit are considered fruit but not all of them have the same texture, color or taste. I was just taking note at how embarrassing it would be for a shredder to step out of his element and stand in front of college music majors and critics only to be laughed at.

        Let’s create another scenario. You have a bunch of teenage kids, and grown ups that want to be kids, at a concert expecting to see Slipknot. They are boozed up, Amped up, stoned, testosterone driven, don't give a damn kids. Could you imagine the curtain falling and there is paco de lucia? Anyone that has ever been to one of these concerts knows that there are guards everywhere or the toilets would be ripped out and the whole building would be destroyed.

        I posted 2 videos earlier. If in fact everything is apples to apples then it could be said that the people who attend a paco de lucia concert could in fact enjoy "the wall of death".

        I have a USA martin and a USAovation and will jump at the opportunity to take classical guitar when it presents itself. I think paco de lucia is a bad Mo'Fo. He impresses me. If I ever had the opportunity see him it would be the one concert I would not miss. I appreciate classical guitar and flamenco. I too think it would promote playing ability. I'm just stating that anyone can be laughed at when taken out of their element.


        • #79
          A wall of death at an unholy alliance concert, in Helsinki, Finland. The band is Lamb of God and the song is called Black Label.


          • #80
            Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
            Ben - what's the clever name of this guy's band?
            Umm, they haven't really recorded anything and they just jam but they're decent from what I've heard the guitar and bass players play. They're called the Bipedal Elephants and their logo is the king dude from that show "Babar". It's only clever if you know them and their sense of humour though...
            "Dear Dr. Bill,
            I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

            "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub


            • #81
              Originally posted by slayer32390 View Post
              Also there is no such thing as apples vs. oranges in music everything, and i mean everything, is related and relative to each other.
              I'm with Phill_up. There is "apples and oranges" comparisons in the music world. You can't tell me you would judge Jason Becker and B.B. King on the same scale. They're so different that it just wouldn't work. It'd be like getting Bill to review a pop album. It just wouldn't be fair. You'd want someone who listens to that crap and not real music to review it instead so they know what to critique. If I listened to it I would say it's all crap but that's because I'm a metaller and not a pop princess.
              "Dear Dr. Bill,
              I work with a woman who is about 5 feet tall and weighs close to 450 pounds and has more facial hair than ZZ Top." - Jack The Riffer

              "OK, we can both have Ben..joint custody. I'll have him on the weekends. We could go out in my Cobra and give people the permitting of course.." -Bill Z. Bub


              • #82
                It is a hand/eye coordination thing too. I had Nintendo growing up. It had a D-pad and A and B buttons. Kids now have a D-pad, two analog sticks, A, B, X, Y, R1, R2, L1 and L2 buttons and they are using them to play rhythm games.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Jacksons Shred View Post
                  I want to know what kids were taking back then! Jeff Loomis was insane after 2 years, Marty did Speed Metal Symphony after only 6-7 years, Becker was signed to Shrapnel by 15 years old (Yes..15).
                  ** Yeah, but 15 years earlier..Shawn Lane joined Black Oak Arkansas
                  at age 14 ! No vids... and yet he was an amazing player as
                  good as Marty Friedman at 30!

