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What should I practice?

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  • What should I practice?

    Ok, as some of you know, I am old drummer who likes to play guitar. I have no more visions of becoming a rock star, but would still like to become "good" on guitar. So, I am now at a point where I am not sure what I should be working on to get closer to my goal of playing guitar well enough to enjoy it. And by enjoy, I mean being able to tell an A from a C and being able to create riffs and leads based on good musical "theory". I am caught in a big rut where I can come up with stuff that utilizes an E or A power chord and then uses fifths and plam-mutes like they are going out style

    First, a little background:

    I am an 80s baby and love looking up tab to play Cinderella, Poison, Motley, Stryper, etc songs. If it has power chords and plam-muting in it, I can play them pretty long as they are tabbed as I do not read music.

    I am currently somewhat good at playing fifths, palm-muting, and am in the process of learning some "real chords" as well as working on scales (while alternate picking to make that become habit). I am also working on chirps (pinch harmonics) and am getting to the point where I can do em about half the time I attempt them.

    So, I am looking to a few veteran players to point me where I should go next...should I learn the notes of the fretboard? Should I work on other scales? Or???

    I have also found a few good resources on the web, but if you know any good free sites for learning guitar, I would appreciate you passing on the link.


  • #2
    P.S. Don't really have time for real lessons...nor would the wife want me to spend $ doing that


    • #3
      about 18 years ago when I had enough of the bass guitar I took some advice from other guitar players and bought the Doug Marks "Metal Method". Which reminds me I still have that on VHS tapes I need to re-visit but I dont have a VHS player and for the price of a player I could buy the lessons on CD
      This guy is a really cool guy and will answer your questions on a forum. What you get for the price is worth every penny IMHO

      Edit: check this out

      Last edited by phill_up; 12-08-2008, 10:07 PM.


      • #4
        Learn the notes of the fretboard and key signatures. Build chords and scales from that knowledge, rather than just memorizing standard patterns.

        Try to figure out songs by ear rather than relying on tabs. Not only will it make you a better player, it will also make you a better musician through ear-training.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
          Try to figure out songs by ear rather than relying on tabs. Not only will it make you a better player, it will also make you a better musician through ear-training.
          LOL! I do that, but just because I'm too lazy to look up the tab.


          • #6
            Dang Motley Crue tunes down on all their songs

            Thanks for all the pointers, guys!


            • #7
              play songs you like and learn scales for leads, and just let your heart talk, your fingers are his mouth

