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I came to the conclusion that I suck on guitar!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by QuantumRider View Post
    But then where would you put your beer?
    so you DO understand!
    Hail yesterday


    • #17
      Originally posted by tooslowhand View Post
      Whenever I feel down in the dumps I usually just blame my equipment, sell the guitar I am currently sucking on and buy a new one. It's all psychological.

      you too huh?


      • #18
        I think I'm as good as I'm going to get. My hand naturally adjusted to the loss of a couple digits. But I actually improved my playing and song writing since my injury.

        I'm no Jeff Loomis, but I love my tone and the ideas I have. That's what counts most. I don't have the people or the means to record my stuff, and that bums me out more than anything.

        I have freinds with tremendous musical abilties that know I accel at writing original metal. Yet they seem content doing cover bands. Times are tough and they need the money..I undestand. But I can't relate to not wanting to create great music of your own. I always thought that was the main goal of a muscian.

        I made alot of money when I had an awesone VH tibute, but I got ZERO personal satisfaction from doing that! I played the part of Michael Anthony..not Bill Z.
        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


        • #19
          Interesting thread. Happy to hear that we are all in the same boat.

          I always blame that I don't have enough time to practice but always find the time to read that forum!
          JB aka BenoA

          Clips and other tunes by BenoA / My Soundcloud page / My YouTube page
          Guitar And Sound (GAS) forum / Boss Katana Amps FB group


          • #20
            maybe we can start a club?


            • #21
              cheap way to improve

              I am in the same boat as you guys-i play the same stuff over and over....recently i was looking around at the books and stuff and found this series called "at a glance"-you get abook and a DVD (not a CD, an actual DVD!) for 10 bucks. I picked up the lead guitar and scales and modes versions. I just had achance to watch the DVDs and they arereally good. Basic, simple, easy and CHEAP! each one has like 4 or 5 lessons, no boring crap about music theory. Troy Stetina does a few of the lessons, and judging by how many folks around use his other books, I think they might be just what you need to inspire some new stuff. Try 'em, and if you don't like them, u r only out ten bucks!


              • #22
                Hey this happens to everybody, even the best guys ever think they suck. Which is good because it keeps you trying harder. One approach that works is don't pick up the guitar for a few days. Go do other stuff like hard work, sports or something real physical and your playing will feel better when you do pick up your axe. The other approach is after you've whipped through all you regular riffs, just keep on playing. You will pull more stuff out from inside yourself, from your subconscious, so to speak. Just keep jammin'. Listen to music more, go see some live bands and jam with a rhythm section. Pick up your axe and just burn without stopping for as long as you can. Play fast, faster, slow, slower and more melodically, keep experimenting. If it sounds good, it is good. The guitar takes a lifetime to even come remotely close to mastering.
                Last edited by triplehold; 05-03-2009, 08:21 PM. Reason: punctuation


                • #23
                  Wow, I'm not the only one.
                  The Guitars:
                  Jackson USA SL2H, Jackson Performer PS-4, Gibson Les Paul Studio Gothic, Ibanez JS-1000, B.C. Rich Mockingbird ST, Martin GPCPA5 Acoustic, 14 Warmoth customs, Ibanez Artcore AS73, Ibanez Prestige SR1000EFM Bass
                  The Amps:
                  Peavey JSX 212 with JSX 412 cabinet, Ampeg B2R with Ampeg Portaflex PF210HE cabinet


                  • #24
                    Heh... This all sounds scarily familiar to me. I've been playing for well over 20 years, and recording and playing music is a huge part of my life. I still wrestle with feelings that I might suck! I think it's a natural insecurity, and hopefully one that drives us to be better musicians... Or to at least enjoy playing guitar a bit more.


                    • #25
                      Yeah me too. Been playing for 20 yrs don't know one song all the way through. Got music books, don't know why can't read. lol lol. Well really I have dyslexia so it makes it hard. So like most have said, I buy new equipment all the time. It's that sorry ass amp or efffects unit. Whatever I can talk the wife into or sneak in the house with.
                      So I feel like that alot. That's why I'm getting rid of that junkie ME 20 and getting something better buy this weekend. lol lol It has to be the effects because I just bought a new guitar and lol.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Gunner View Post
                        Yeah me too. Been playing for 20 yrs don't know one song all the way through. Got music books, don't know why can't read. lol lol. Well really I have dyslexia so it makes it hard. So like most have said, I buy new equipment all the time. It's that sorry ass amp or efffects unit. Whatever I can talk the wife into or sneak in the house with.
                        So I feel like that alot. That's why I'm getting rid of that junkie ME 20 and getting something better buy this weekend. lol lol It has to be the effects because I just bought a new guitar and lol.
                        Wow, completely forgot about this thread. Not because I don't suck anymore, I'm just as bad as ever. I've bought more gear, even an acoustic now. And Ya know what?

                        I play the same shit on that, but now it sounds even worse because there's no thick distortion or feedback/amp hiss to cover up any fuckups.

                        Have you ever heard a really bad version of Cat Scratch Fever played wrong as well as badly on an acoustic? I only play that song because it is the only one that is even remotley close to being right that I can pick through. Its still wrong though .

                        It ain't pretty !!!!
                        Last edited by bombtek; 05-14-2009, 04:19 PM.
                        I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by bombtek View Post
                          I play the same shit on that, but now it sounds even worse because there's no thick distortion or feedback/amp hiss to cover up any fuckups.
                          That's why I sold my acoustic years ago and gave up the fight.
                          Blank yo!


                          • #28
                            Hahaha! I played a single gig in a friends "neo folk" band recently. I used an uber cheap no name electro acoustic that my mom gave me (She got it when a guy abandoned it in a rent house of hers). We got through the gig alright, but it reminded me why I love electric guitar, and basically quit playing acoustics when I was twelve.

                            That's just me of course... I have a couple of guitar buddies that can play pretty much anything on electric, but they moved on to acoustics because it was more challenging to them.


                            • #29
                              Perhaps you should listen to these inspirational words from John Petrucci:


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by heartfielder View Post
                                Perhaps you should listen to these inspirational words from John Petrucci:


                                Hahaha! I almost spit beer on my computer I was laughing so hard!:ROTF:

