Hi All 
Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this:
When foot tapping, I seem to keep time much better if I tap with my right foot.... I don't do so well when foot tapping with my left foot.
Very noticeable especially at higher tempos... for really slow stuff, both foot works. Once I hit moderate tempo... I MUST tap with the right foot if I want to keep good time.
My theory is that tapping with the right foot connects with my left brain... which handles linear time better than the right brain... hence better able to keep time.
What do you guys think?
- Leo.

Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this:
When foot tapping, I seem to keep time much better if I tap with my right foot.... I don't do so well when foot tapping with my left foot.
Very noticeable especially at higher tempos... for really slow stuff, both foot works. Once I hit moderate tempo... I MUST tap with the right foot if I want to keep good time.
My theory is that tapping with the right foot connects with my left brain... which handles linear time better than the right brain... hence better able to keep time.
What do you guys think?
- Leo.